Chapter 5

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Raven's Pov

I woke up in a room I didn't recognize. There were 12 beds in here, including mine, a cupboard full of who knows what, and a tray filled with surgical tools. The room didn't look so bad. It had an off white color, and beautiful wooden planks that made up the floor.

I looked around and smiled. I seen a full body mirror in the corner. I walked over to it, looked at myself, and gasped. I was an unknown creature. I still had my black hair, it just had red streaks running through it, I had permanent black makeup, nails, and toenails, and I had wings, big, strong, white ones.

I was wearing a short, black dress, black tights, and sparkly black flats. I had on a rose necklace, which a man I trusted gave me, and a gold and diamond bracelet. That was new. I looked at it, then seen a sticky note fall to the floor. I picked it up and read it.


If you need anything, just put your bracelet on, and say "daddy". You will be teleported to where I am. I'm sorry I was never there for you, sweetheart. I wanted you to try to live a normal life. I'm so sorry. Try to visit daily. If anything upsets you, don't hesitate to come to me. I will take care of it. Until we meet then.


I reread it over and over. I was thrilled that I had my dad, and he didn't purposely abandon me. I then heard the door open. I looked behind me to see Jack. I was suddenly mad. I hissed, grabbing something that I knew was in my pocket.

It was a stick. I pressed a button on the side, and it turned into a scythe. I pulled out a black purse, and slung it over my body. I took my scythe, and pointed it at Jack. "Why would you say those things?" I whispered. I looked at him. There was a tall, faceless man behind him. You have a very nice suit, sir. I thought. Thank you, child. He responded.

I looked at Jack. "I hated you, because you jumped out the window.  I figured since you hated your life, since you thought so poorly of yourself, I could end your life myself." He said, grinning. I looked at him, tears in my eyes. "Do you want to kill me?" I asked, hoping he'd say no. I had feelings that I thought he wouldn't return. I was in love with him.

"I would love to kill you, but you can't die, so we will fight instead." He said, laughing insanely. I clicked the button on my scythe, and it turned back into a stick. I felt the tears spill over. I looked at him, and said, "You don't have to fight me! You don't have to look at me! I'm leaving! You won't have to face me anymore! I sobbed.

His eyes widened. The tall guy said, "My name is Slenderman, call me Slender. Raven, you don't have to do this." He said.  "Yes I do! The one I love wants to kill me!" I wailed. Jack froze. He looked at me, shaking. "Y-you l-l-love me?" He stuttered.

"I do, but you obviously don't, so I'll be leaving." I said quietly. I slid the bracelet out of my pocket, where I put it after I took it off, and slid it on my wrist. "G-g-goodbye Jack. I l-l-love you." I sobbed. Then I screamed, "DADDY!" Then, I was there.

OMG! She said it! Well, Jack made a mistake. She loves him, he wants to kill her, then she's crying and going to Daddy. Daddy's gonna be mad. Little Jacky is gonna be in trouble. See what happens in the next chapter. Remember, I'm aLwAyS wAtChInG...

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