Chapter 9

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Sexual Offenderman's Pov

I heard her crying about me. I can read her mind, and her feelings. She feels hurt, betrayed, but most of all, confused. I heard her last thoughts just before she went to sleep.

Smexy, she thought. Why did you leave me to be beaten? You said you would be there... But you never came. I felt horrible. I was out on a run, looking for victims like usual. I heard someone crying. I walked around in an alley, to come across a beautiful girl.

She had long, black hair, and beautiful pale skin. I knew right then that she was someone special. I walked up to her and asked, "Dear girl, what makes you cry so?" She looked up at me with big beautiful black eyes. She sniffled. "M-my boyfriend, Chad. He t-told me that he doesn't l-love me. He is a drunk, b-but I d-dont want him to l-leave me! I'll be all al-lone again. I can't be alone a-again." She sobbed.

I reached out and patted her shoulder. "You don't have to be alone." I said. She looked up at me. "I'll stay with you, and be your protector. You won't have to worry about anything anymore." She stared at me. "Y-you would do that for m-me?" She asked, sniffing. I took out a handkerchief and dried her tears. "I would." I said, smiling as her eyes lit up.

I took out a black rose necklace, and fastened it around her neck. "Anytime you need me, just rub the black rose. I'll be there in no time." I said. She smiled. "Thank you. What's your name?" She asked. I smiled. "My name is Sexual Offenderman, but call me Smexy." She nodded. "Okay Smexy," She said, grinning at my nickname.

"My name is Raven." I looked her in the eye. "May I call you Princess?" I asked. She nodded. "I must go Princess. Please get home safely. I'll be there when you rub the rose." Then I disappeared. It was three days later that she was beaten by her boyfriend Chad.

I was too busy charming my meal to pay attention to the fact that she was rubbing the rose. It was only after I killed the woman, that I realized that Raven had been rubbing the rose repeatedly. I teleported to her house window to see her almost passed out. I heard her thought.

He never came. He promised... But he never came. I started crying. I don't know how, but I did. I messaged her through the thoughts. I'm sorry, princess. My princess, I'm sorry. I knew she passed out after that. I fled into the nearby woods. I ran for days. I then realized that I could've just teleported away. I just had to get away. I knew I had to face her again, but it couldn't be now. I have been watching her ever since. I think it's time I came out of hiding.

Sorry it was short. I was bored, so I thought I could write about how Raven and Offenderman met. It was interesting to write. Until next update, remember, I'm aLwAyS wAtChInG.

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