Chapter 21

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Raven's Pov

I feel my smile grow larger as I look at LJ down on his knee. "You will always be my candyman. I will be your candygirl. Yes." I say softly. He grins widely as he puts the ring on my finger. "Now you are mine forever and ever." He whispers, kissing me softly. I smile and kiss him back. I pull away and take his hand.

We walk back to the mansion like that. I see Smexy walk out and look at us. "You two look so happy. Mind if I ask why?" He said. I held up my hand,  showing him the black stone on my ring. He grinned. "It's about time!" He said, pulling me and LJ both in his arms. "Woah. Offender. This hug is kinda awkward." LJ says, squirming around. Smexy laughs and let's go of us. LJ immediately moves away, while I hang on for a moment longer, then let go.

"C'mon Raven, let's go tell the others. " LJ says, taking my hand. I nod, and wave to Smexy. He smiles and waves goodbye, then teleports away. I walk inside to see that everyone was in the living room. LJ looked at me and nodded. I held up the hand with my ring, and everyone cheered. I smiled and looked down. I heard someone clear their throat, and looked up to see Daddy looking at me. "Raven. You're completely sure about this?" He asked me. I nodded.

He looked over at LJ and smiled. "Well, just don't hurt her. I will welcome you, son." He said, grinning. LJ smiled. "Thanks sir." "Oh please. Call me Dad." Daddy told him. LJ nodded. "So, when's the wedding?" Jeff asked. I looked at LJ. "Well, I kinda want it to be next week." LJ said finally. My eyes widen. "Next week?!" That's so little time. Okay. We can make it work. I know we can." I say confidently. Daddy smiles.

"That's my dove. You can do it." He says, then teleports back to the house. I look at Jane and Sally. "I already have my maid of honor, and flower girl." I say, smiling. They both squeal. "Thank ya Raven. Thanks so much!" They both say. I laugh. "It's an honor." I tell them. They smile. I look up to Trenderman. "Do you mind helping me design a wedding dress?" I ask him. He bows. "It's an honor. Thank you Raven." He says.

I smile. "No, thank you for saving me from another fashion emergency." I tell him. He nods. I look around at everyone. "Um. Jeff?" I hear LJ speak. "Will you be my best man?" He asks him. I see Jeff give a big smile. "Of course man. And thanks." He says. LJ shrugs. I smile, knowing this wedding will be perfect.
She says yes. Aww. And I have a tie on the smut. 1 says yes. 1 says no. Someone please be a tiebreaker. Because I will write it soon, or not, depending on what gets the most votes. Remember, I'm aLwAyS wAtChInG.

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