Chapter 24

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Raven's Pov

I waited quietly in our hotel as LJ said he would be back soon. For our honeymoon, he brought me to Paris, the City of Love. I was kinda nervous. I'm still a virgin. I've never done any of those, um, "things" before.

I was kinda having a nervous breakdown inside my stomach. I don't know if I'm ready for this or not. I don't want to upset LJ by making him wait, but...

I jumped at the sound of the door opening and closing. "I'm home!" I heard LJ shout. I was so scared of telling him what I thought. I watched him walk into the room and smile at me, then see I was shaking. "What wrong Raven?" He asked, pulling me into a hug. I breathed in his sweet smell of all the candy, and calmed down almost instantly.

"Hey LJ. I'm just, nervous. " I said, shifting my eyes down from his gaze. He nodded. "Just follow my lead. " He said, laying me back on our queen size bed with blood red sheets. I blushed as he kissed my neck, and moved up behind my ear, nibbling gently on it. I shivered slightly, and felt his warm breath on my neck.

"Trust me." He whispered, sliding his hand up my shirt, and undoing my bra. I tensed up for a second, then relaxed as he carassed my breast. I moaned softly as he pulled off my shirt, then his own. I traced his muscles and scars on his chest. I felt him run his hand over my bottom as he reached over with his other hand, and undid my button on my jeans, and pulled them off, then slowly undid his clothes, leaving him in his boxers.

I could feel his "member" close to me, and I shivered a bit. I felt him pull down his boxers, then my panties. He positioned himself at my entrance, and then pushed himself in.

I gasped, and a few tears fell, as I slowly adjusted to the size. LJ then began thrusting back and forth inside of me. I felt a little uncomfortable at first, then it slowly turned into pleasure. I moaned as he trusted faster. I could feel myself reaching my climax. I moaned as he let go inside of me. Almost soon after, I hit mine, and let out a little moan, but shook and shivered with pleasure.

Then, it was all over. We laid back on the bed, sweating and panting heavily. I laid there for a moment, taking everything in. I'm not a virgin anymore. I looked over at LJ, who had a huge smile on his face. He turned to me.

"Raven, you have no idea how happy I am right now. I love you so much." He whispered, wrapping his arms around me. I smiled and laid my head on his chest. "I love you too LJ. " I said softly, closing my eyes. Wrapped tightly in my lover's arms, I fell into a deep sleep.

OMG you have no idea what it took to just write that. I'm so sorry it took so long, but I was so embarrassed writing it. Sorry it was super crappy. I just feel weird writing these things. There's probably gonna be like, two more chapters, and then the book will be done. I am considering making a sequel. Until next time my candies. Remember, I'm aLwAyS wAtChInG.

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