Chapter 8

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Raven's Pov

I felt myself hit the ground. I didn't pass out this time. I looked around at my surroundings. I was in a huge castle. I was in front of a door. I quickly walked up to it, and knocked lightly.

"Mr. Creepypasta is busy!" I heard a squeaky voice yell. "Gandolf! Let that person in!" I heard a deep voice boom. "Y-yes sir!" The one I assumed was Gandolf squeaked.

The door opened, and I walked in, to see Mr. Creepypasta, or to me, daddy, with his back to me doing paperwork. "What do you need, child?" He said to me, not turning around. "D-d-daddy?" I stuttered. He froze. Then, he slowly turned around, facing me. I looked at him.

He was about 7ft tall, and was wearing a pair of black jeans, a long, navy blue sweater, and black converse. He has wings, a scythe, and horns. He looked at me. "Raven, is that really you?" He asked, smiling. "It's really me, daddy." I said, tears falling down my face.

Daddy then held his arms out, and I ran into them. He hugged me while I cried. I can't believe I am actually hugging my own daddy. I looked up at him. "Daddy, I wanted to see you sooner, but I was trying to get my bracelet back."

He looked at me. "Who took it?" "Slender, but he was doing it because he thought that you were going to kill Laughing Jack for what he did to me. I understand why he took it." I said. He took my hands in his and said, "Raven, what did Laughing Jack do?" he asked. I sighed. "You have to promise not to do anything to hurt him, okay daddy?" I looked in his deep, brown eyes. "Okay, but if he does something bad again, I have to punish him." "Okay." I said. We sat down in chairs, and I told him everything that happened since the beginning.


"Wow." Daddy said when I finished. "Yeah. It sucks. Oh daddy?" I said "Yes Raven?" He asked.  "Um, may I stay here for awhile?" I asked, expecting him to say no. "Of course Raven! I'll show you to the room I prepared myself."

He got up from his chair, and walked out of the room. I quickly got up and followed him. We walked through the huge castle until we came to a black door. He opened it and I gasped. It had everything I wanted.

I had a huge TV, a Xbox 360, a stereo, a walk-in closet full of clothes, a laptop, a tablet, a smartphone, a backpack, a huge spell book, a king size canopy bed, and a huge bathroom that connects to the bedroom. I squealed like a little girl. My daddy stood back, smiling as I walked around the room. I walked into the closet. There was a vanity table with make-up and a huge jewelry box on it. I walked our and gave my daddy a hug.

"Thank you Daddy! I love it!" He hugged me back. "I'm glad you do, princess." The minute he said that, I was sent into flashbacks. I seen myself, and a man that looked like Slender, but was wearing a black trench coat, and a black Fedora.

He was handing me my black Rose necklace. "Anytime you need me," he said. "Just rub the black rose. I'll be there in no time." I hugged the man. "Thank you. What's your name?" I asked. He smiled. "I am Sexual Offenderman, but call me Smexy." He said. "Okay, Smexy." I was then pulled into another flashback.

I was in my house, being beaten. It was when I first got together with Chad. It was the first time he beat me. I gasped for air as Chad punched me in the stomach repeatedly. I rubbed the rose, crying. I felt my eye swell, and my nose start to bleed. I was starting to black out. Before I did, I heard those words that have haunted me for awhile. I'm sorry, princess. My princess, I'm sorry. I gasped.

I focused back into reality. My daddy was holding me in his arms. "Daddy!" I said hugging him tightly. "Raven! What happened? Are you okay?!" I heard him say. I started crying uncontrollably. "Raven!?" Daddy said, alarmed by my tears.

"He-he-he never came! He left me to be beat by Chad! He never came! He said "I'm sorry, princess. My princess, I'm sorry." He left me. He said to rub the necklace, and he'd be there in no time!" I wailed. He hugged me close. I eventually stopped crying and was feeling exhausted.

Daddy laid my in the huge bed. "Raven, you need rest. When you wake up, we'll talk about what you said. Goodnight Raven, I love you." He said, flipping off the light. "I love you too, Daddy." I muttered, before passing out on the bed.

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