Chapter 13

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Raven's Pov

*Time Skip*

It's been about 6 months since that birthday. I ended up going back to the party, and forgave Smexy. We ended up being really close friends. I would tell him everything. It became impossible to lie to him. As for L.J and I, we forgave each other for everything, and started dating. Today was our six month anniversary.

I was staying at the Slender Mansion for a bit. I skipped downstairs and looked for L.J. I couldn't find him downstairs, but I heard someone knocking. I walked over to the door, and seen Jeff. We didn't get along well, but I was surprised that he ushered me out the door and onto a nearby bush. "Not a sound. I need to show you something." He whispered softly.

I nodded, then followed him to a nearby meadow. This was the meadow that L.J and I would always come to. He showed me it on our first date.  Jeff and I hid in some bushes. I could hear laughing close by. That was L.J. There was also another laughter. A girls laugh. I looked at Jeff. Look. He mouthed to me. I nodded, then peeked out of the bushes. My heart sank.

There was L.J, naked, on top of another girl, Laughing Jill. They were both having an intense make out session. L.J and I have never made it that far. He would only give me small kisses. I stopped looking as they started to do, stuff. I looked at Jeff, then held out my hand. He took it, and we teleported back to the mansion, where I buried my head in my hands and cried.

Jeff stood there for a second, before he came up and held me. "I'm so sorry Raven." He whispered. We rocked back and forth. I finally stopped crying and wiped my tears. I looked at Jeff with red eyes. "How long has he been doing this?" I asked, dreading the answer. "About 3 months." He said. My heart broke.

"I'm sorry." Jeff said again. I shook my head. "I'm gonna take a walk. I'll be back in a few days." I said quietly. He nodded. "I won't tell anyone. I promise." He said. I smiled. "Thanks Jeff. If Slendy asks, don't tell him what happened, just tell him I needed some space." He nodded. "Bye. Spend time with Sally for me." I said, kissing his cheek. He looked shocked. He nodded, touching his cheek.

I got up and walked down a path, to enter the human relm. I thought about entering, then turned down a different path. I didn't want to go there. Too many memories. I wandered in the forest for hours. I finally sat on a rock and cried.

I looked at the lake I sat by, and seen my tear-streaked face. I reached up to my neck, and rubbed the rose. I felt arms snake around my waist, and I was pulled into a hug. I heard Smexy's soothing voice, and all went black.

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