Chapter 23

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Laughing Jack's Pov

I was pacing back and forth in my room. Jeff, Masky, and BEN were sitting on the couch by the bed. "But what if I forget?" I say, smoothing out my black and white tux. I was super nervous.

The wedding was starting soon, and I still couldn't remember my lines. "LJ, calm down. Just relax. You aren't gonna forget. Just listen to your heart." Jeff said to me. I nodded, then seen Slender poke his head inside the room.

"It's time for you to come down." He said. I nodded. I took a deep breath, and followed him down onto the stage.

Raven's Pov

I was in the room with my Daddy, Jane, and Sally. It was Trenderman's room, so he could fix my hair and makeup.

I was wearing a long, flowing white dress. It had blue swirling flower designs all down the bottom, and coming up. I had on white heels with spikes on the sides, I had on a Pearl tiara, with almost matching earrings and necklace, and a gold and diamond bracelet. My ring was a 3 piece black with a blue stone. I loved it.

I heard Trenderman step back and clap his hands together. "Raven, you look so beautiful." He whispered, taking my hand and squeezing it. I smiled. "I cannot express how thankful I am to have you here, Trenderman." I say. He nodded. I heard Daddy clear his throat.

"It's time." He said. I nodded, and took a deep breath. I didn't write down what I wanted to say, because I knew my heart would tell me. I walked with my Daddy, Sally, and Jane, down beside where I would walk out. I watched Jane go first, then Sally, throwing down the lovely rose petals.

Smexy handed me a bouquet of blood red roses, and kissed my cheek. I heard the familiar song start, and I linked my arm with Daddy, and we walked down the asle. I looked at LJ, who was looking at me with his mouth wide open. I blushed and smiled. He closed his mouth, and grinned.

We reached the stage, and my Daddy placed my hand in LJ's. "Take care of her." He whispered, before walking to sit with everyone else. Slender cleared his throat, and began the ceremony. "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today, to join this man and this woman in holy matramony. LJ, you may speak your vows." He said.

Jeff walked up holding the black band. He handed it to LJ, and backed into his original spot. LJ took a deep breath, and began speaking.

Laughing Jack's Pov

I began speaking from my heart, forgetting everything I written down. "The moment I met you, I was stunned. By your beauty, by your kindness, and by your ability to see past all the faults, and see the good qualities in something evil. I am an evil person, but you see me as perfect. I am so lucky to have you becoming my wife. You will be my candygirl, forever and ever." I said quietly, slipping the black band on her finger, along with her ring.

She smiled up at me, tears of happiness shining in her eyes. I smiled down at her, feeling tears come into my eyes. "Laughing Jack, do you take Raven, as your wife. To love and cherish her, in sickness and in health, for as long as you both shall live?" Slender asked. I nodded. "I do."

Raven's Pov

"I do," LJ said, looking into my eyes. I smiled up at him, tears threatening to ruin my makeup. "Raven, you may speak your vows." Slender said.

Jane stepped up and handed me his black band, and stepping back in her place. I took a deep breath, and began speaking from the bottom of my heart. "From the time I met you, I fell in love instantly. I was so scared and frightened, and you came and swept me off my feet, bringing me happiness, and love. I was so scared that you would never feel the same way. And here I am, getting married to you. I love you so much. I'm giving you my heart, and am trusting you to cherish it forever. You will be my sweet, sugar, candyman. Forever and ever." I said, the years slipping down my face, as I slid the slightly wider black band on his finger.

LJ smiled down at me, a tear slipping down his face. "Raven, do you take Laughing Jack to be your husband. To love and cherish him, in sickness and in health, for as long as you both shall live?" Slender asked. I nodded, more tears coming. "I do." I choked out. LJ smiled. "By the power invested in me, I now pronounce you, husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." Slender said. LJ carefully lifted my veil, and laid it over my head, uncovering my face.

He tilted his head, as to position his nose, and kissed me deeply. It was full of love and passion, and he tasted like cotton candy. I kissed back with everything I had, and when we pulled away, we took each others hand, and faced everyone. "Creepypastas, Mr and Mrs. Laughing Jack!" Slender announced. Everyone cheered and clapped, standing up from their seats and going crazy. In that moment, I knew I had my perfect family, and now, my perfect husband.

I was in tears while writing this. I'm gonna end it soon, but, I'm considering making a sequel. I'll leave it up to y'all. Comment if you want one. Remember, I'm aLwAyS wAtChInG.

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