Chapter 25

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Laughing Jack's Pov

I sat outside of the bathroom, tapping my foot impatiently. Raven usually never took this long in the bathroom. I sighed, and knocked on the door again. "Raven! What the hell is taking you so long?!" I shouted. No answer.

"Raven!" I said again, getting really irritated at the fact she wasn't answering me. I heard the door click, and she slowly walked out. I was about to ask her what was wrong, but my bladder was about to explode. I ran into the bathroom quickly, and relieved myself, wondering what was wrong with Raven....

Raven's Pov

I slowly sat on the bed after LJ ran into the bathroom. I couldn't believe it at all. My thoughts must've been playing with me. I sighed, and stood up.

Today was the day we returned to the mansion. I packed my things quickly, and left a note for LJ, telling him I would be at the mansion, and teleported back. I quickly ran in, barely avoiding Sally's hugs, and ran upstairs, throwing my luggage in my room, and ran into Slenderman's office.

I quickly locked the door, and turned to face him, seeing that Jeff was here too. "Raven? What's wrong, are you okay? You look, sick." Jeff said, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. I shook it off, and walked up to Slender, who looked down at me. "I know why you came here child. You came to ask if what you suspect is true. And might I say, it is indeed true." He said. I nodded, and felt the tears come to my eyes.

Jeff seen them, and his eyes got wider. "Raven?!" He said, quickly coming to my side. I buried my face in my hands and started to cry. I couldn't. I just couldn't.  "Raven, tell me what's wrong. Right now." Jeff said, gripping my arms tightly.

I looked up at him, my face streaked with tears. "Jeff, he didn't want one. I wasn't going to, but it happened anyway." I sobbed. Jeff looked confused. "What happened?" He asked. I take a deep breath. "Im pregnant with LJ's baby."

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