Chapter 15

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Jeff's Pov

I knew she was crying on the inside. I felt so bad. We never got along well, but that's because I was afraid that I would show my feelings. I loved her, more than anything. I knew L.J was cheating on her from the start of it. I didn't tell her, cause I knew it would break her heart.

We sat on the sofa. Raven was in the lead, and I was right behind her. I used a blue shell and she got blasted. I zoomed right past her. "Goddammit!" She said as I past the finish line first. I laughed as she chucked the remote at Ben, hitting him on the head. "Hey!" He yelled, rubbing his head. She laughed, earning a light smack from Slendy. She looked at him and he whistled, acting like it wasn't him.

She laughed again, and hugged him. He hugged her back, leaning down to kiss her on the forehead. I laughed harder when she flicked him on the back of his head. "Payback." He laughed. "Well played, child. Raven smiled, and then it faded. I looked over to where she was staring, and seen Laughing Jack come towards her. I got up and pulled Raven with me.

"C'mon Raven, you need to see my knife collection!" I said. She laughed, and we ran out the door, to the shed. "Thanks." She said, smiling. I smiled innocently. "What do you mean? We are looking at my knife collection aren't we?" I tried my best to make a pouty face, but I ended up laughing. "I will if you really want me to." She said with a smile. I shook my head, chuckling. "Nah, it's cool. But there is kinda something I wanted to tell you." I said. I moved closer to her.

"I really like you Raven. I can't help but love you. I don't care if you love me or not, I just wanted you to know." I immediately looked down. "I-i don't know what to say. I've kinda liked you too, but I can't help but feel as if what I'm doing is wrong." She said, a single tear running down her face. I wiped it from her cheek. "Don't cry. All I want is for you too be happy." I smiled, looking into her now deep brown eyes. I moved closer and closer... 

What am I doing? I shouldn't have done that. What if this affects our friendship? So many thoughts raced through my head. I kissed her. I pulled back, blushing a deep red. "I'm sorry. I just had to do it." I looked down. She put her finger under my chin, and lifted it up.

"It's okay. I may not come back for awhile. So I want you to remember me." I smiled, and we walked back inside, the blush on my face fading as we reached the door. We walked inside, and L.J appeared and grabbed Raven's arm. She tried to pull away, but he disappeared before she could. Goddammit.

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