Chapter 12

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Sexual Offenderman's Pov

Why won't she talk to me? Duh, you never came for her when she needed you, so in result, she doesn't trust you. I sighed as she disappeared with Ben and Laughing Jack. I tried, and my brother is probably confused as hell. I teleported back upstairs to see my brother, Slender, pacing back and forth. He looked up when I appeared.

"What the fuck is going on Offender?! Why did she run away when she heard you!?" He yelled. I sighed. "I knew Raven when she was still human. I promised her that she would never be alone, and I would protect her. One night, I was in the middle of a meal, and she rubbed a necklace that I gave her, in case she was in trouble. I didn't realize until after my meal, that she had been rubbing the rose repeatedly. I teleported to her, and she had been beaten horribly by her human boyfriend, Chad. She was almost unconscious, and her hast thoughts were, Smexy, why did you leave me to be beaten? You said you would be here, but you never came... " I trailed off, reliving the nightmare over and over again.

Slender sighed. "Brother, I'm sorry for what has happened, but you do realize that she is the lost princess of the creepypastas, right?" He said. I blinked. Lost princess? That's her? Oh shit...

Raven's Pov

I walked up to the door with Ben and L.J trailing behind me. I opened the door and walked into the study, where my Daddy was sitting. "Daddy, I kinda panicked, and I brought 2 people to comfort me, because they are the only ones I trust right now. Is that okay?" I asked.

He nodded. "What did you panic about?" He asked. "Remember that flashback?" I whispered. He nodded. "The person from that flashback, came today. He tried to apologize, but I didn't want to be hurt by him again." I whimpered. He nodded. "Who are the two that you brought back with you?" He asked. "Well, I only planned on bringing BEN Drowned, but Laughing Jack got in my way, so he came along too." I said.

He frowned, his eyes growing narrow. "Is this the same Jack that brought you here crying a year ago?" He asked. I nodded. "Bring them both here." He commanded. I nodded, then walked back to where I left Ben and L.J waiting. "My daddy wants to see you." I said. They looked at each other. "Okay."

Ben said. "Jack, you're kinda in trouble, but I'll make sure nothing happens to you!" I quickly said. He looked at me, then squeezed my hand. "I love you so much." He whispered. I squeezed back. "I love you too." I whispered. I lead them into my Daddy's study, fearful of what will happen.

Mr. Creepypasta's Pov

Hmm...  I studied the two people my daughter brought to the study. One looked like that Link character from that game my daughter always plays, and the other one looked like an emo clown. "Daddy, this is BEN Drowned," she said, referring to the Link guy. "And this is Laughing Jack." She said, squeezing the clowns hand.

"Nice to meet you BEN." I said, sticking out my hand. He took it and gave it a slight shake. "Nice to meet you too, sir." he said formally. If only Raven loved you... I thought. "Raven, may I talk to Laughing Jack alone?" She nodded. "Please don't kill him Daddy. You know I love him." She said. I nodded. "I don't want to see you sad, Raven, but you have to understand that I have to punish him. It won't be horrible. It'll be something simple."

She was hesitant, but nodded. "C'mon BEN, I got Majora's Mask! Let's go play!" She shouted. BEN fist pumped the air. "Hell yeah! Lets do this!" They both ran out of the room, leaving me and Laughing Jack alone. "Well," I said. "Let's get straight to the point."

Laughing Jack's Pov

I looked up at Mr. Creepypasta, fearful of what he would do. "Care to tell your side, Jack? Why my daughter came here crying?!" He raised his voice. I winced.

"Sir, I was so angry at her. When I first met her, she was going to get her pathetic excuse for a human boyfriend food. I guess she was too scared to go downstairs, so she perched on the window sill, and jumped out the window. I was scared that she would be be hurt, so I poofed down and caught her."

He nodded for me to go on. "I got angry, because I thought that she was trying to kill herself, so I asked her if she had a death wish, in a rude way. I told her that if she did, I could take care of it for her. She shouted why don't you, then cut her wrists and neck. I took her to the Slender Mansion, and had Eyeless Jack patch her up. She woke up and we got in a fight. I was still mad at her, so I put my foot in my mouth, and told her that I wanted to kill her, and since I couldn't, I would fight her instead. What I didn't know was she had feelings for me. I was upset that she tried to kill herself, I thought that she didn't love me. So she started crying, and teleported here. Meanwhile, I regretted everything I said, and spent the last year in my box. This is the first day I came out." I finished.

We were both silent for a few minutes. "You really love her, don't you?" He asked me. I nodded. "You make her happy. Don't make me regret anything. I can tell that she loves you. If you break her heart again, I will have you face your worst fears for a month. If she's stupid enough to love you again, know that I will kill you, for if she loves you after you broke her heart twice, she's the one for you." He said, smiling at my shock.

" Oh, and your punishment for now, is no candy for a year." I groaned. "Can't you just kill me?" He laughed. "I promised Raven that you wouldn't be harmed. So this is your punishment. Slender is in charge of watching you, and you have to kill with weapons, not candy." I sighed. Raven is lucky I love her more than candy. "Yes sir." This is going to turn out good, right? It was, until she came.

Yay! Another chapter! I decided that you guys will be my candies. See you later, my lovely candies, and remember, I'm aLwAyS wAtChInG.

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