Chapter 11

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Raven's Pov

Jane, Sally, and Trender spent forever deciding on an outfit and doing my makeup. When they were finally done, I could here the music starting downstairs. I stood up, surveying the groups work in the mirror. I was dressed in a dark green strapless dress with matching heels and makeup.

I also had my nails painted by Jane, the color black. I smiled. I looked pretty good. I walked out of the room, thanking Sally, Jane, and Trenderman a bunch. I ran into Jeff. His eyes widened when he seen me. "Wow. You look hot!" He said, his nose starting to bleed. I laughed as the blood started to get on his hoodie.

"Go change into a fresh hoodie, Jeff." He nodded, then ran to his room. I walked to Slender's office, and knocked. "Come in." I heard him call. I walked in to see him with I guess was another one of his brothers. He was dressed in a polka dotted suit, a little black hat, a cane, and he had a huge smile on his face.

He looked at me when I came in. He clapped his hands together and picked me up. "Yay! A sexy child!" I was confused as Slender yelled at him. "Splendorman! Have more respect for Raven! Today is her birthday." Splendor set me down and apologized.

"It's okay. Are these the brothers that you were worried about?" I asked. "It was mainly the other one. He just got here. He's coming up... Now." Slender said as the door opened behind me. "Did I make it in time, brother?" I heard a voice asked. I froze. I would recognize that voice anywhere.

"N-n-no. No." I stuttered. "Raven!" Slender said, concerned. I turned to face him. "Hey princess, long time no see." Smexy said with a grin. "You're Slender's brother?!" I shrieked. "Yup." He replied. I started shaking. I was trying hard not to ruin Sally's work by crying. "Why?"

I asked him. He looked down. "I was in the middle of charming my meal. I didn't know you rubbed it until it was too late." He said quietly. I reached up and touched the rose that was on my chain. "I wanted to call for you, but I didn't want to be disappointed again." I whispered.

I ran out of the room. "Raven!" I heard Slender yell. I ran down the stairs, grabbing my purse and heading for the door. I bumped into L.J on the way to the door. "Hey Raven." He said, hugging me with a smile on his face. I heard Smexy coming down the stairs. "L.J, let go." I said.

L.J frowned. "Why?" He asked. I heard Smexy stop behind us. "Let go, let go, let go!" I shrieked, breaking out of his hug. I had to get away from Smexy. Ben, I thought. I ran to find Ben. I found him laughing with Lost Silver and E.J. "Ben!" I gasped.

He looked at me in shock. "Raven! What's wrong?" He asked, placing a hand on my shoulder. "I need you to come with me. Smexy is trying to find me and I'm not ready to talk to him. I'll explain more later, just please help me!" I begged. He nodded. He looked at Lost Silver. "Can you provide a cover for me?" He asked. Lost Silver nodded.

"Thank you Silver." I said. He blushed and looked down. C'mon Ben, we gotta hurry." I said. I grabbed his hand and ran out the front door, passing L.J on the way. Suddenly, he appeared right in front of me. "Raven, tell me what's going on!" He said angrily. I sighed, and grabbed his hand too. I screamed, "Daddy!" and Ben L.J and I were in front of the castle.

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