Chapter 14

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Raven's Pov

I woke up in my room at the Slender Mansion. I felt someone stroking my hair, and turned to see Smexy and Jeff on one side, and L.J on the other side of my bed. I looked up at Smexy and smiled. "Thanks for coming." I said. He smiled. "Anytime princess." He said. I looked at Jeff. Thank you. I mouthed to him. He nodded.

I looked at both of them. "Wanna go beat Ben at video games?" They grinned and ran downstairs to tell Ben what we wanted to do. I got up and took a quick shower, then dressed in a pair of blue skinny jeans and a black tank top. I was about to go downstairs, when L.J grabbed my arm. "Why aren't you talking to me?" He asked, looking confused. I glared at him with hateful eyes.

"Let go of me." I said, pulling out of his grasp. He looked shocked. I turned away from him and ran up to the stairs. I felt two hands push on my back, and I tumbled down the stairs. Since Ben spent all day playing video games, Slendy made the stairs super long so that he could get exercise. I tumbled down the long staircase, breaking my ankle on the way down.

I fell at the bottom of the stairs, and seen everyone stare at me. "Did you fall from the top, child?" Slendy asked. I nodded, then winced when my ankle started throbbing. I looked at the top of the stairs to see L.J's hair disappear. I stood up, crying out in pain. Smexy got open and came over to me. "Princess, did you hurt yourself?" He asked.

I grit my teeth and set my foot in place, a few tears escaping my eyes. I then rested my hands on my foot, and muttered "Restore thy strength." I beamed when I could feel my foot fix itself. After 30 seconds, it was completely healed. I heard a voice mutter, "Fuck." My heart dropped when I realized it was L.J's voice.

I wiped the tears from my face, my eyes turning blue. "Shit!" I heard Jeff shout. I felt hands wrap around my waist. "Princess..." I heard Smexy mutter. I felt myself break. My eyes turned a darker blue, and I started to cry. I was so hurt. I thought that he loved me. I gave him all of my time. I gave him my heart, and he just crushes it.

I broke out of Smexy's grasp and ran upstairs to my room. I shoved my knife, stick, black book, and makeup all in my purse. I grabbed my bracelet and tiara off the shelf. I dried my tears, my eyes changing back to black, and placed the tiara on my head. I know that I am the princess. And nobody, messes with the princess. I slung my bag over my body. My clothes burned, and a long, black gown appeared instead.

I smiled. It was time. I knew now, that I am the pasta queen. I floated downstairs, resting lightly on the floor. Everyone looked at me, and then Slender bowed. "Queen Raven..." He murmured. Everyone gasped, then bowed as well. I smiled, then my tank top and jeans reappeared. "I may be queen, but don't treat me any different. Now Ben, I'm gonna kick your buttons at video games!"

Ben gasped. "Oh hell no!" Slendy smiled at us. I smiled on the outside, but inside, I was broken. I seen Jeff staring at me, and sent him a telepathic message that this is my last day here, and to join us for video games. He grinned, and came over to squeeze himself between Ben, Smexy, and I. I grinned as Ben pulled up Mario Kart. He's going down.

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