Chapter Five

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You sighed loudly, slamming your locker shut. Jin's friends had been acting weird all day too. With Jin ignoring you and his friends only speaking to you to try and act normal but coming off as nothing other than strange you felt lonely again. You decided to ignore them back for the day, putting your headphones in and not taking them out until you felt Jimin tap your shoulder.

"Why are you sitting out here all alone?" he asked, pouting slightly.
You raised your eyebrows at him.

"You're acting weird and I didn't want to deal with that today" you answered truthfully. They shared apologetic glances.

"Sorry but it's just... You kinda smell weird today" Jeongguk piped up from behind Jimin. This earned him a smack at the back of his head from Namjoon followed by a 'Don't be rude'
You felt your cheeks heat up.

"you should have told me earlier. God that's embarrassing. If you excuse me" you stormed past them but Hoseok found a grip around your wrist stopping you from going any further.

"Hey, how about you come to this party with us tonight? To get your mind off things? I can pick you up if you want?" he asked, a bright smile on his face. 

You hesitated before agreeing. It wasn't exactly your thing. Parties. But... Hoseok was right. It could be a good distraction from not only Jin ignoring you but also Minho popping in more often to brag to your parents and make the clear favouritism even more obvious.

"Are you sure you want to wear that?" was the first thing Hoseok said when you entered the passenger seat of his nice car. You frowned.

"What's wrong with this?" you shot back. Hoseok's eyes widened as he threw up his hands.

"No, don't get me wrong! You look great, but a long sleeved shirt and jeans might get a bit warm that's all!" he defended himself. You shot him a grin.

"I'm sure I'll be fine, don't worry." you shook it off. Hoseok smiled back, shrugged and then started driving.

Jimin shoved a drink in your hand the moment you walked into the house with Hoseok. He had a can of beer himself but didn't seem affected by the alcohol. Your stomach churned at the thought but you shook it off as high alcohol tolerance. It was nice in the beginning but soon the only people you knew at the party had started socialising, disappearing in the crowd, and you sat there in a couch squished to the side with your drink as a couple made out next to you.
You considered finding Hoseok and asking him to take you home, but you hadn't been at the party for long and you didn't want to be a party-pooper.

"Y/N," someone said your name. You looked up and only realized you had never heard Yoongi say your name before when you met his dark eyes. He reached his hand out towards you, and you slowly grabbed it. "Let's go somewhere less crowded"

He took the almost empty glass out of your hand to put it on a nearby table before guiding you through the crowd, into a hallway and up some stairs.
He stopped and turned to look at you, cupping your cheek. He'd always looked a bit intimidating but now that he stood there with a small smile on his lips you realized how handsome he was.

Maybe that's why you didn't pull back when he leaned forward to kiss you, slipping his tongue into your mouth. Or maybe it was the alcohol clouding your judgement.
He was the one to pull back, grabbing your hand again as he pulled you into a nearby room.
You were on your back on the bed before you knew it, Yoongi's lips on your neck and his hands under your shirt, roaming your skin.

His fingers struggled to unbutton your jeans but when he got them down he was quick to push down your underwear too, fingers rubbing circles on the insides of your thighs.
You moaned into the kiss he had placed on your lips, and your eyes fluttered closed when his fingers reached your core. He started rubbing circles on your clit, lips travelling to your ear where he took your earlobe between his teeth. He slid one finger inside of you and you squirmed underneath him, heavily breathing his name.

"I have a question" he whispered in your ear, voice low and hoarse. "Do you by any chance know someone called Sungmin?"

You forced your eyes open, fingers tangled in his hair as you met his eyes.

"No" you hummed. "Why?"

Yoongi slid his finger out of you, bringing it up to his mouth.
He shook his head as he sat up.

"I was just wondering. We shouldn't be doing this. I don't think Jin would like me touching his friend"

You sighed in frustration as you ripped your underwear and jeans back up again, no words leaving your mouth. You stood up to leave but Yoongi caught your arm.

"The scars on your legs-" he began but you turned around to glare at him.

"Fuck... off" you spoke slowly and his grip loosened. You ripped your arm away, darting out through the door and out of the house. The fresh air helped you sober up a bit. 

You wanted nothing more than to run far away.

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