Chapter Eleven

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“Wait, so that annoying guy what's-his-name who threw food on you asked you out?” Jin gasped. “Yah, the disrespect! What did you tell him? Did you punch him bec-”

He trailed off, facial expression faltering. His eyes thinned, head tilting slightly as if he was listening for something, his mouth still slightly open from being mid sentence.

You knew better than say anything, knowing that you could only wait patiently.

Jin rose from the table and you heard him walk  out of the room to the front door. You heard voices, not loud enough to figure out what they were saying, but very much loud enough for you to realize it was Namjoon who had decided to pop by; and he did not seem happy.

Your heart was beating loudly in your chest so you come to the conclusion it shouldn’t matter much if you move. Namjoon probably already knew you were there.

The distaste on his face became even more clear when he came into the kitchen, moving towards you. His hand wrapped harshly around your forearm as he lifted you up. You bit you tongue to make sure you didn’t scold him for his hard grip, the power he radiated scaring you from wanting to put up a fight at the moment. Jin’s eyes were set on Namjoon’s hand cutting off your bloodstream, tension thick in the air.

“Jin sometimes you’re so selfish. You act irrationally, like a child.” Namjoon snapped his head towards Jin and Jin winced away from his gaze. Namjoon moved his head towards you, releasing his grip slightly with a sigh. “And you. Running off like that, not just without telling us, but also to Jin. After all the warnings.”

“Which warnings? I know I’m oblivious and probably shouldn’t have gone looking for Jin but it isn’t completely my fault you know? Yoongi should get some of the credit at least.” you blurted out before you could stop yourself, ripping your hand out of his grip and taking a step back.

“Staying with Yoongi would have been better. Jin isn’t in his right mind right now, you probably think he fucked you because he cares but he’s using you he-” Namjoon scolded you but Jin cut his alpha off.

“Namjoon that’s fucking enough, okay?” Jin’s voice rang clear and cut through the air like a knife. You had never heard him sound so harsh, so dangerous. He walked over and yanked you against his chest, hair flying around your face as you stumbled over your feet only being able to stay upright by leaning into his embrace. “You don’t get to fucking touch her, you hear me? She’s mine.”

Namjoon’s nose flared as his eyes found their way to your now bare neck.

“Are you serious?” He asked angrily, and finally you saw his eyes turn into the dark red shade you had suspected they would as his anger rose.

Jin stared his alpha down. You couldn’t see his eyes but you guessed they had turned the blaring yellow they had been tinted with the day before. He finally, without a word, lifted you up in a sweeping motion before he carried you back to the bedroom without a second glance at the other wolf. He fell down onto his back, pulling you down on top of him.

“Jin-” you began.

“Don’t talk.” he only muttered back. He really did not sound happy. You knew better than to challenge an angry werewolf but you were getting annoyed yourself. So, you closed your eyes, breathing slowly to calm yourself down. You sat up, straddling him as you looked down at his clenched jaw. His eyes opened slightly revealing slits of bright, angry yellow.

“I know it’s a werewolf thing this whole possessiveness thing but-” you started again, a little bit pissed off at this point at his grumpy attitude. It wasn’t like you had done anything, he had been the one who had addressed you as his, like you were some kind of possession that belonged to him and now he was telling you to shut up? He didn’t shut you up with words this time, and you could barely process when he had switched your places so you were underneath and he on top instead. He pressed his chest against yours, heat radiating from his body as you could feel his heart beating hard and fast against you. He has one leg between yours, knee rubbing against your core as he stared into your eyes. Your mind went blank, unsure of what to do about this situation. He grabbed your chin forcing you to keep looking at him.

“You driving me crazy” he growled, leaning down to brush his nose against your cheek. “If you were stronger I wouldn’t have hesitated to flip you over and fucked you til you were screaming my name so loud Namjoon wouldn’t question my fondness of you ever again”

You reached out to grip Jin’s face back.

“As lovely as that sounds, I need to leave. My parents are going to kill me if I don’t come home and it’s already going to be a pain in the ass to hide that bite mark you decided to give me.”

Jin frowned at this, face softening.

“Right” he mumbled back, releasing your chin from his slightly too harsh grip. "I'm sorry, Y/N"

You cupped his cheeks softly and press a soft kiss onto his nose.

“I don’t want to be the cause of you and Namjoon fighting. I also know you're not in control of your emotions at the moment, so I forgive you. Now, I really need you to get off me before I give in to the temptations of staying”

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