Chapter Twenty Three

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The best part of going to Jin and the other's house by yourself; You could run freely almost all the way there. It helped clear your mind from worries and helped forget all problems for a while. Downside? You had to stop to catch your breath before knocking on the door and entering.

Hoseok was the first person you met with. He gave a surprised smile.

"Did you run a marathon or what's going on?" He giggled. You huffed with a smile, rolling your eyes.

"Kind of. Where's Jin?"

"His room. You've been there before, haven't you?" Hoseok wiggled his eyebrows and you rolled your eyes, slipping out of your shoes.

"Maybe" you passed him with a small grin before heading straight for Jin's room, only stopping to say hi to Namjoon and Jeongguk.

You opened the door to Jin's room, entering the darkness to be attacked immediately by Jin's arms around your waist. He lifted you up and spun you around.

"You know, I couldn't control myself around you when I was in heat but ever since it's just-" he pressed his lips gently onto the corner of your lips, helping you slide your backpack off. "I always want to be close to you, touch you but no matter how close to you I am it's never enough"

You slipped your hands under his sweater, dragging your fingertips across his chest as you pushed the door closed behind you.

"I feel the same. I've never felt this way before. Is it- is it because of the mark?"

Jin grabbed onto your chin gently, tilting your face up towards his before pressing his lips firmly onto yours.

"Maybe" he got out between kisses, one hand resting on your lower back. "But I liked you before"

"I liked you too" was the last thing you said before he wrapped his hands around your thighs, lifting you up and carrying you to the bed where he laid you down on your back.

Jin stopped, hovering above you as he stared into your eyes. A geeky smile spread across his face but before you managed to utter a word he started leaving kisses all over your face, everywhere from your forehead to your eyelids to your jawline and chin.

"Y/N" he suddenly stopped. "I want to have sex with you but I don't want you to feel like that's all we ever do or that that is all there is to our relationship"

"Jin, I don't think that and I know that's not all. And trust me... I want that just as much as you do."

"I love you" he mumbled, hands travelling over your body over your clothes. You managed to get out the same words back to him, but soon only moans could escape from between your lips as Jin grinded against you, his ears and face tinted slightly red. You cupped his cheeks, mumbling against his lips as you asked him to please take off his clothes. He giggled, kissing you as he began working on his pants. Your lips only left the other's to tug your shirts over your heads.

As always his bare skin felt abnormally hot against yours, a feeling that you had grown to find extremely comforting even though the heat could get a bit too much after a little while.

You tried flipping him over, only managing to do so because he let you. Fingers hooked into his underwear, you pulled them down in a moment of boldness. You glanced up at him with a soft smile, using the hair tie on your wrist to get your hair away from your face.

"Let me return the favour from last night" you spoke. He nodded as if in a trance, letting out a deep shaky breath as you leaned over and brushed your lips against his skin. Not on his erection just yet, but the skin on his hip bone. Your fingers travelled over his thighs, resting on the insides of them as you let your tongue slip out and leave a wet trail behind. Fingers softly massaging, you blew air on to the wet spots making him squirm and let out a sigh.

He muttered your name as he reached his hand down, touching your face gently. Working your way towards his hard on you took your time teasing him, so when you finally took a gentle grip around the base of his shaft he was a panting, frustrated mess. You began by pressing your lips to the tip gently, then reaching your tongue out just slightly to brush over the slit. Jin's moans excited you and made you want to take all of him in at once just to get more sounds out of him but you kept your cool and began by taking in just the reddened tip. He moaned your name as you began sucking, humming slightly around him which sent a pleasurable sensation through his body.

You worked on just the tip for a bit, hands rubbing the rest of his erection slowly, and when you took him in a bit more his hands flew out and entangled his fingers into your hair. The feeling of him tugging your hair was soft and gentle but still made you feel all hot and bothered. You just knew your underwear was soaked already.

Bobbing your head, moving it back and forth in painfully slow motions, you ran your tongue underneath across it. You slowed down and picked up speed, alternating between the two as Jin's moans and sounds were the spurs to continue. When he tugged a little bit harder on your hair you slid him out of your mouth, wiping away the mix of saliva and precum that was dripping down your chin. You looked up at him with questioning eyes.

"I want to cum inside of you" he got out and you climbed on top of him, cupping his cheeks to pull him in for a long, loving kiss. as he squeezed your still clothed ass. He moved the two of you around gently and placed you on your back without breaking the kiss, helping you take your remaining clothes off. When your kiss ended you reached out to trace your fingers over his reddened, swollen lips.

"I love you, Kim Seokjin" you whispered. The silence in the room as the only thing that could be heard was the breathing of the other person, the darkness that made it so that at least you with your human sight could almost only see as far as the edge of the bed. It made it easy to forget that others existed outside of that room. He helped guide his erection towards your already dripping entrance, slowly pushing himself in as he answered you.

"I love you too, Kim Y/N," he said, a teasing but loving smile on his lips.

"That's not my name" you smiled, face feeling unnaturally warm by the mixture of Jin's body heat and the effect his actions and words had on you. Jin placed a few kisses on your chest.

"I know. Not yet. But know that I intend to make you mine in every way possible, whether it be shifter or human customs."

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