Chapter Twenty Seven

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It was all a blur mostly. You knew somehow you ended up in the woods. Had you run there immediately after leaving Minho's apartment? Was there a missing period of time between? You wasn't sure. You knew that you and all others got split up and that more than just your parents were out there with you, all wearing grotesque animal masks and weapons made for hunting. You squatted down behind a couple of trees trying to catch your breath, shaky fingers pressing the screen of your phone. Cursing at yourself silently you tried to blink away the tears blurring your vision as you opened your messages.

Pictures of Minhyuk's lifeless body in front of you, his blood splattered all over you, and Sungmin's heavy weight on top of you with his face mangled and ruined kept flashing before your eyes, only it was Jin you saw. Jin you worried about.

Your phone showed that you had one new message. From your brother.

Minho: Get to the packs' house, don't get followed there. We'll meet there, all of us. I love you, stay safe.

Never before had you been so happy about your fondness of running. Years and years of genuinely enjoying the activity had made you quick and given you stamina, and now you could use that ability to escape. Not even your parents with their special talent for hunting could stop you, the current prey, from getting out of those woods. You didn't let anyone get to close. The thought of having to fight physically frightened you, especially when you thought of how emotionless and cold your parents' eyes would look as they cut the throat or stabbed into the chest of some poor person that they had deemed less worthy of life. You had only a vague idea of which direction you had to go, but you managed for a moment to slow down and check google maps. Hours turned into seconds, seconds into minutes. Time blurred together and after what seemed like an eternity of running you reached your safe haven.

Well, supposed safe haven. You wanted to throw up, stumbling over your feet in an attempt to stop. Sliding on your knees across the grass you barely felt the pain as you stopped the fall with your hands.

On the doorstep laid a bloody, mangled body. It was hard to tell from the distance who it was, but it was no doubt a person on the smaller side. You caught sight of the pink sweater and felt the sound of your heartbeat in your ears like drums.

Maybe you should be ashamed of the following thoughts, but you felt relieved realising that the dead body wasn't Jin. Gathering your thoughts, head still spinning, you made a decision to stand up and walk over to the corpse. You didn't have forever, and even though every muscle in your body screamed at you to stop... You had to move.

It felt like you reached it way too fast, and slowly let one hand reach out to grab the object in Mahiro's bloody hand.

The feline mask stared up at you almost as if it was mocking you. Fear and anger rose up within you, your first thought being... For what reason could she possibly be holding Minho's mask. Had he really finished your parents work, killed the last member of the Kawamura clan?

You let the mask drop down to the ground again, rushing inside the house without hesitation as you didn't know if you'd be able to continue if you stopped even for a moment. You barged in, finding nothing but an empty house. Until the furthest back of the house. You hadn't been in those rooms before. Judging by the look of it you guessed it must have been Namjoon's. You weren't sure what exactly made you come to that conclusion, but it was just... Something about it.

The bedsheets were drenched in blood, it was fairly fresh but as you touched the sheets the blood had lost any kind of warmth it might have had. Thrown onto the bed laid a phone, and it didn't have any blood on the screen that faced upwards. You recognized it as your brother's phone. You tried unlocking it by using his birthdate, address and other numbers he might use as a passcode but ended up locking it for 30 seconds. Stressed out of your mind, your eyes clouded with tears.

'When did you become this weak?' your parents' voices echoed in your head. 'This is weak, even for you. You need to be stronger than this'

It was as if memories of their words were mocking you in your panicked state and your legs bent underneath you, sending you crashing down onto the floor.

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