Chapter Fifteen

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"Minho please don't. Please. I beg you. I'll do anything" you whimpered weakly, wishing you felt stronger than you did. God, if only you had been stronger. Minho turned his gaze away from you as he focused on the phone call where the boy on the other side of the line seemed to be speaking in a quite panicked voice.

"I'm afraid you aren't talking to who you think you are" Minho leaned back onto his heels, rubbing his chin as he spoke seriously into the phone. You could hear the other side of the line go quiet. "You want to see my sister, you say? Well if that's the case I'll send you an address. Come alone."

He threw you the phone when he had turned off the call. You caught it and stuffed it into your pocket, staring at your brother with an as blank of an expression as you could muster.

"You can't- You can't hurt him. I will raise hell if you do." You told him, voice still thick after crying.

"I know. Come on. Get your ass back in the car."

It was the quietest car ride you had ever experienced. You didn't know what to say, every single word bubbling up in your throat being shut down by doubt and fear. Minho seemed distracted too, tapping his fingers against the steering wheel. You refused to get out of the car when it stopped so he, with a sigh and an obviously annoyed glare, decided to do it for you by opening your door, unbuckling your belt and dragging you out. You kept quiet all the way up the stairs and to his apartment. Waiting outside the door, leaning against the wall with an anxious look on his face was none other than Kim Seokjin.

Minho walked past him, unlocking the front door without sparing a glance to the werewolf. He stepped to the side holding the door open with raised eyebrows.

Without being able to stop yourself you threw yourself onto Jin, burying your face into his chest just like you had wanted to do every other time you had thought about that weekend and even more every time you had seen him at school.

Jin grabbed your shoulders and pushed you away slightly so he could look at your face.

"Are you okay?" he murmured as he touched your cheek. You hesitated but nodded.

"I don't have all day" Minho spoke, reminding you of his presence. Even in the presence of him the two of you seemed to manage to get distracted by each other. You grabbed Jin's hands tightly as you dragged him with you inside of the apartment, not knowing what else to do.

Minho disappeared into the kitchen and you slowly sat down in the sofa, Jin sinking down next to you with his hands still in yours.

"You know, I'm actually pretty mad at you for ignoring me like that after last time" he spoke suddenly. You snapped your head towards him. His hand travelled to your chest where it rested over your heart. "Calm down, you sound like you're about to have a heart attack."

"Jin-" you began, but right then Minho came back into the room with a kettle and some cups.

"What the fuck is going on, Minho? Why are you making tea?" your voice broke. "Seriously I'm going insane here. Are you going to torture us? Because right now it would make more sense to me than this. Unless you poisoned the tea of course-"

"Y/N will you relax for one fucking time in your life?" Minho asked as he poured tea into the delicate cups. You leaned back angrily, slightly leaning against Jin who wrapped his arms around you. "I saw the mark on your neck. I'm guessing this is the asshole who did it."

Jin moved uncomfortably next to you but didn't answer.

"Did you even tell her what it means?" Minho asked looking at your friend? boyfriend? crush? in disbelief.

"Guys I'm not a complete idiot, you know? I know he marked me. Namjoon already freaked out about it earlier today." you stated, making both of the boys change their attention from each other to you.

"Y/N, that's a new level of stupid even for you. If our parents see it-"

"Why do you care?"

"You know, most of the time I actually do care about your health and happiness. You think I'd let that mutt into my house if I didn't?" Minho sipped his tea and rolled his eyes.

"Oh, so that's why you made me come with you to light that other house on fire? That's why you told me I'd be too weak to do anything either way? Is that why you let that wolf almost rip my throat out, forcing me to kill him? My parents force me to move in with you and you take my phone and start watching over me like a hawk making me scared to talk to my only friends." Without noticing you've stood up. Minho sighed, putting the cup down on the table, rubbing his face before speaking.

"I didn't want mom and dad to send you back to our aunt. I didn't want you to have to kill. I didn't let things get too dangerous, I was there ready to help you but I wanted you to show me that you could protect yourself. Y/N I'm trying my best to take care of you, but things are complicated and you know that. I may not be a werewolf fan but clearly, you seem to attract them like flies and I suppose I'm going to have to live with that. The least I can do is try and keep mom and dad off your back by making it seem like you've made progress." Minho sighed. This was the nicest he had been to you in as long as you could remember. It almost felt like a joke, but Minho's serious face and tone seemed completely genuine. "I guess I don't completely understand the whole marking thing because it's dumb and animalistic, but if he did that then I'd be hurting you more by keeping you away from him than letting you see him. If you need Mr Fleabag over here to stay the night I don't care, I just have two rules. Don't fuck whilst I'm in the house because I don't want to hear that shit. Second, if mom and dad catch you two I will not hesitate to kill him to save our asses."

Minho emptied his cup of tea before rising, moving over towards his room and leaving you dumbstruck behind. He called out an "Oh, and no peeing on my furniture" over his shoulder as a last warning before leaving the two of you alone.

Jin's nose flared as he stared at Minho's closed door.

"What a brat" Jin scowled. You were still standing up, arms around your body.

"Jin" you breathed out. "I'm- I don't like this. I don't... "

"What's going on? What's wrong?" he grabbed you gently and pulled you down into his lap. He let his fingers travel up and down your thighs in a soothing manner.

"I had just decided to try and keep away from you and now my brother is being nice to me and you're in his home and I'm getting threatening texts and I'm so confused my-"

There was a knock on the door and you froze. Minho came back out of his room, glancing at you sitting in Jin's lap.

"That should be mom and dad," he said. You choked on your spit. What the fuck.

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