Chapter Twenty Five

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To Jin's annoyance you spent most of the evening with Namjoon, planning ideas on how to make sure to keep hunters away; specifically your parents. In the end, it seemed like your idea of getting them convicted for the murders on Sungmin and his pack was the best way out.

In the beginning, Jin had tried to be involved in the discussion, that had expanded and was at this point between you, Namjoon, Yoongi and Jimin, but now he was quietly laying down in the sofa with his head in your lap as you mindlessly twirled his hair with your fingers.

"If that happens, Jin can always be my alibi. Right, Jin?" you suddenly asked and the male spoken to snapped out of his trance.

"Huh?" he looked confused.

"Don't worry about it, Jimin and I will be your alibi, Y/N" Yoongi gave a small smile as he raised one eyebrow, exactly knowing what his comment would do. What it would trigger.

"You and Jimin won't be anything with or to her" Jin snapped as he shot up into a sitting position, steadying himself onto your thigh and letting his hand stay there. Digging his fingers slightly into the soft skin.

"Jin, calm down" Jimin frowned, throwing his hands up in a defensive motion, glancing at Jin then Yoongi and lastly you.

"No! Because I know you touched her, Yoongi! Both of you are denying it but I'm not stupid! I know you did it even when I asked you not to!" Jin blurted out, nails feeling like they would break through your skin. You squirmed, scrunching up your face.

"Jin, come on you didn't even listen to the majority of the discussion we just had" you tried prying his hand off but he didn't seem to notice. "Jin, seriously! If it's so fucking important to you then you'll be my alibi, just please let go of me!

He seemed to realise only now that he was gripping you, his eyes travelling over your legs before he slowly let go, retreating his arm. He took a shaky breath as you rubbed your thigh.

"S-sorry" he muttered before bolting out of the room. You took a few deep breaths, rubbing your face with your hands.

"Meeting over? Okay good." you shot Yoongi a disappointed glare before walking after Jin.

Jin didn't look up as you entered the room, laying on his stomach face into the sheets on his bed. You sighed, moving to sit next to him. You rubbed his back as he sniffled, the sounds muffled against the soft fabric underneath him.

"Yoongi and I didn't sleep with each other" you spoke up. "He did touch me though, but I encouraged him to. It didn't go further than that and quite frankly, I didn't think you liked me back after the whole bar incident."

"I'm not mad at you," he said, rolling to the side to look up at your face. "I'm just... Possessive I guess"

He was quiet for a moment but it seemed like he was going to continue speaking so you didn't interrupt.

"I liked you since before I even spoke to you. It's... I was drawn to you back when I saw you in the cafeteria. I just didn't want to involve you in all the pack stuff, and then on top of that.. I felt weird about the whole thing. I told you, I've always been told humans and shifters aren't supposed to mix."

You laid down next to him as he continued speaking, gently rubbing his back still.

"I told the others to stay away from you. Keep you out of this. And then Yoongi still rubbed his- his dumb hands on you and it just makes me angry to think about how he didn't respect me enough to listen to that one simple request"

Jin looked down, hand reaching out to touch your thigh.

"And then I hurt you"

You grabbed his face in your hands.

"You didn't mean to. I'm not happy that you did it, but I've had way worse done to me by people I've been told to consider family. Let's just forget about the whole thing and focus on getting my parents out of the way, okay? Let's sleep?"

Jin was very gentle again as he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you in against his chest. The words he spoke were just as gentle, a soft regretful tone tinting them. He brushed his lips against your forehead.

"I'm still sorry. Goodnight, princess. I'll make it up to you. I promise."

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