Chapter Thirteen

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You spent the weekend trying to avoid Minho as much as you could. He had even ended up taking your phone, saying it was a distraction. You were happy it had a code so he couldn't see your messages but still pissed off at him for even taking it in the first place. He got to have a semi-normal school life, why didn't you? Oh right. Favourite child.

Not having your phone ment no contact with Jin, and as you spent time with your older brother you found yourself thinking that maybe it was best for Jin and his friends if you kept your distance.

On Monday you practically ran to school after convincing Minho you didn't want him to drive you there. You saw Jin in the hallway with his friends. His pack. He looked like he was about to come up and talk to you but you snuck away into your classroom before he got to you.

Why were you feeling so anxious about talking to him? Was it just the thought of staying away for their sake, or was it what Namjoon had said the last time you saw him still haunting you?

You didn't think about what would happen when you got to lunch. You had been sitting with them since your first day back. Instinctively you ended up sitting at the table you and Minhyuk had shared once. You shoved the food into your mouth, only looking up when you noticed a group of people gathering before you. You sighed.

"Yeah, yeah. Your table, I'm leaving. I get it. I'm done anyways you muttered.

When out in the almost empty corridors again there was a harsh grip around your wrist as someone pulled you into a storage closet. A part of you wished it would be Jin, but instead you were met with Namjoon. Great. He let go of you, rubbing his eyes and looking annoyed.

"I know who your brother is and because of that I probably shouldn't be saying what I'm about to..." he grunted, leaning back against the wall. You crossed your arms over your chest, waiting for him to continue. "Stop ignoring Jin. He's fucking furious at me, blaming me for pushing and scaring you away."

You felt your heart sink to your stomach. Namjoon knew about your brother.

"If you know my brother then you know why I need to stay away from you guys. Especially now... He has his eyes on me almost all the time. I think it's best for me to keep away until I figure out how the fuck I'm going to solve my family problem."

"As much as I hate it, I don't think staying away is an option anymore." Namjoon reached out and tugged down your turtleneck. His fingers brushed over the marks where Jin's teeth had pierced your skin. "Because of this."

You swatted his hand away giving him a glum look, getting out of the storage closet. Namjoon followed, annoyed as he called your name.

"Don't walk away from me, Y/N." He snapped. As if he actually had some kind of authority over you. You kept walking, stress buzzing through your entire body. "Seriously, don't be childish and think about someone else for once!"

You grabbed his arm, twisting it at the speed of light as you slammed him against the lockers. He stared at you shocked, obviously not expecting that. There wasn't a lot of people in the corridor with you but those that were looked at you weirdly, probably even more shocked than Namjoon. If he had expected that, he would probably have been able to stop you. He was still stronger than you. You let go of him.

"You don't know anything about me." Your voice cracked and his eyes, for a split second, displayed worry. "I thought things would be different when I got back but everything is worse. No matter what I do someone is going to feel betrayed, so I'm sorry for trying to think about my own feelings for once. Now, tell Jin I'm sorry. But I'm not going to kill my family, which is the only way for me to ever truly break ties with them."

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