Chapter Ten

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There was quite a long silence following this, the only sounds coming from you was as you chewed pieces of fruit Jin offered you until the bowl was empty and your stomach full.

"Jin would you still like me if I told you I'm not a good person," you asked, voice barely audible as he got up to go back to the kitchen. He picked up on what you had said though, of course he did, and stopped in his tracks.

"What do you mean?" he slowly turned around.

"Minhyuk he-" you struggled to get the words out, even after months of training simply to try and get you to push away any kind of positive feelings, in fact any kind of feelings at all, you may have had towards werewolves. The problem was that no matter how much you tried to not like the wolf, you would always like the person. It was, in the end, pointless to try and change your mind. In your parents' eyes you were broken, not working properly. You were fine with that though. What worried you was more the idea of being alone, and the thought of Jin rejecting you when he found out the truth. You took a deep, shaky breath. "It's my fault he's gone. I could have stopped it from happening, but I didn't."

Jin's shoulders fell down as his expression changed into one full of pity and sorrow. Before he could say anything you continued.

"Jin, that's not the worst part. The worst part is that I didn't stop. I'm still hurting people like you. I'm putting you in danger by staying and it's selfish, but I can't stay away from you and I'm so scared... So fucking scared about my family finding out-"

Jin didn't move as he looked at you, then he slowly turned back and went out of the room. You heard him moving around in the kitchen, sounds giving away that he was washing the dishes.
It was out in the open now at least.
Even though it hurt in your whole chest, even though you felt like crying as he turned away and walked off without a word. You rolled over and pulled your legs up in fetal position within the comfort of the duvet.
Maybe you should just fake your death. Well, it wouldn't be very effective considering he'd hear your heartbeat.
You clutched your eyes tightly closed, fists balling up.
The bed sunk down on one side, startling you awake after you had been close to dozing off. You open your eyes slightly, glancing at Jin who had sat down on the bed.

"Your family are hunters," he said. It wasn't a question, it was more of a statement. You nodded, refusing to meet his eyes.

"You killed Sungmin. The fire. It was you." he followed. You didn't know the answer to that question so you didn't answer for a while.

"The fire wasn't me per se but yes," you said quietly. Jin's short laugh startled you. It wasn't a happy one and you felt yourself sinking further down in the bed.

"Here I was thinking you'd be my escape from this whole mess. My way of being a normal student for once," he mumbled. Your eyes shot up.

"Yeah well, I was thinking the same. Just like you didn't choose your life I didn't exactly choose mine" you snapped, desperate to get him to understand that you didn't want that life. "If I would have gone against my family more than I already have... They would have sent me away again. And I didn't want to lose another friend. I didn't want them to take you away from me"

Then Jin did something you didn't expect. He laid down next to you, resting his face against the crook of your neck.

"You smell good"

"Jin-" you tried arguing, trailing off as he distracted you by pressing a soft kiss to your ear.

"I've hurt people too" he mumbled. "Let's talk about this later. I just want to hold you right now"

Neither of you spoke for honestly? Probably a few hours. When you spoke again it was you calling out Jin's stomach for growling and he let out an embarrassed laugh before going to cook lunch. Jin's body was warm so him leaving left you a bit chilly, goosebumps spreading over your skin. You grabbed your phone again, finding two new messages. Not from your family members this time.

???: Yoongi said you left the party early yesterday and we thought you went home but you're not at school... Are you okay? Please tell me you're alive thanks. I'm sorry if it was something I or any of the others said

???: Oh, this is Hoseok btw

You considered answering but when Jin called you from the kitchen you just threw your phone to the side, rolling out of bed. There was a shirt thrown on the floor; you considered just putting on your own clothes from the night before. In the end, you gave in and picked up Jin's shirt to take it on. It was a bit long, but that was good. It covered all the important parts. It smelled of sweat and cologne, but you could still feel that familiar sweet and floral scent in the background. It was calming.

Jin had set out two plates for you at a decent sized table. You sat down as he put food on your plate quietly.

"You look good in my clothes." he complimented, eyes resting on your chest, following the curve of the oversized shirt. You cleared your throat and he snapped out of his thoughts. "What happened to my hoodie by the way?"

"Oh, I don't know what you're talking about. Hoodie? I don't recall a hoodie." you answered innocently as you shoved food into your mouth. Jin snorted, turning his attention to his food, the air feeling much less heavy already.

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