Chapter Nine

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You awoke to the unfamiliar feeling of someone snoring next to you. Slowly you rolled to your side, realizing your towel had slid off leaving you laying naked and what would have been slightly cold had it not been for the warm body hugging you. He had sweatpants on, so that was something. Jin’s face looked soft and peaceful as he slept, innocent, almost childlike snores leaving his just barelt parted lips. Guilt rose in your chest. Guilt, fear and dread. All emotions hitting you at once. You felt the panic coming and tried removing Jin’s arm without disturbing him, darting over to the bathroom and toppling over the toilet as you vomited up the previous contents of your stomach. Your throat stung and hot tears rolled down your cheeks. You flushed the toilet.

You leaned down to drink some water from the tap and when you came up you saw your reflection. Hickeys and marks were scattered over your already scarred skin, the most prominent mark being the bite mark Jin had given you in the shower. You touched it absentmindedly. Compared to the marks you had since before, you liked these new ones so much more. There was movement on the other side of the door.

“Y/N?” came Jin’s panicked voice. You waddled over to the door, pushing it open slightly. He looked relieved and a bit shy as he caught sight of your face. “Oh. I thought you had left.”

You opened your mouth to reply but he grabbed onto the door, a frown falling upon his face as he pushed it open.

“What’s that smell?” he asked. It seemed to become apparent to him what it was as his eyes widened. “Are you okay? Did I go too hard on you yesterday? I’m sorry, fuck I didn’t mean to hurt you”

He rambled. You threw yourself forward, wrapping your arms around his waist as you hid your face in his chest.

“No, I’m sorry” you sobbed. “The reason I knew… The reason I know… Jin I-”

“Shhh” he soothed you, rubbing your back. You couldn’t bear yourself to get any words out, so in the end you gave up. You let the sobs completely take over, your body shaking as you cried against Jin’s warm, bare chest.

When you had begun to calm down a bit he wrapped you up like a burrito in a duvet, wiping your tears off gently in the process, before leaving the room with a promise to be back soon.

You grabbed your phone from the nightstand with a bit of struggle since the duvet was restricting your movements. As you had suspected your parents had sent you a few angry messages, even threatening to send Minho out to find you. As if he didn’t have better things to do. You told them you were fine but the party ended late and so you stayed at a friend’s place and forgot to tell them before putting the phone away again.

Somehow you had to tell him, and you had to do it today. You couldn’t beat around the bush for too long. That’s what had happened last time; your fear of confrontation on both fronts being the end for someone you cared about.

Jin came back into the room with a bowl and sat down next to you on the bed, snaking one arm around you.

“I cut up some fruit for you” he said softly, taking out a slice of apple from the bowl and offering it to you. You leaned over and snatched it from his hand with your mouth, your cheeks flushed slightly at his kind action. He watched as you chewed and swallowed with a small grin on his face. When you finished your piece of fruit you looked up to meet his eyes. They were softer than they had been the night before. The blaring yellow had calmed to a soft caramel shade.

“Are you still horny?” You asked, raising one eyebrow teasingly. “Like, are you feeling an urge to pounce on me right now?”

“Aish, don't say it like that” he whined, arm slipping away from you.

“Sorry,sorry. Just checking.” you smirked slightly. "To be fair that was your choice of words from earlier."

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