Chapter Twenty

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Jin swiftly moved to place you in the recliner as he stormed over to Jimin, grabbing him by the front of his shirt.

"Jin let go of him" you stood up as you realized the situation.

"Why? He went behind our back and chose to protect some asshole from another pack over his brother's... Girlfriend"

You could feel his anger buzzing in the air and you were sure everyone else could too. No one moved and you wondered if they were siding with Jin on this. Even Namjoon, who could probably break them up just by saying the word, kept quiet.

"Let him explain," you said slowly, grabbing onto his arm. His hand clutched Jimin's shirt tighter, the buttons looking like they would snap any moment. "Kim Seokjin, god fucking damn it, let go of him or I'll seriously call Minho to pick me up right now." you raised your voice, suddenly he seemed to snap out of his trance. It was weird to see Jin like that. He was usually so funny and kind.

He let go of Jimin's shirt which sent the latter stumbling backwards. You could now see the tears streaming down Jimin's cheeks.

"Jimin why and how did you know Sungmin?" Yoongi spoke, grabbing the shoulder of the one he was speaking to in an effort to help support him.

Jin stood still, you grasping his arm as if thinking he'd snap any moment. If anyone was going to be allowed to be angry shouldn't it be you?

"It was before I met you. He- Her parents had just killed my family" Jimin choked out as he pointed his finger towards you. "Sungmin found me and took me in. I know he wasn't... a good person but he protected me and... Took care of me... I just... "

You took a deep breath, letting go of Jin's arm. He glanced at you as you stepped forward towards Jimin.

"I'm sorry" you whispered, lowering your head. "I know there's no excuse for murder,..." you struggled to get out what you wanted to tell him. You felt guilty. Really guilty. "I wish things wouldn't have turned out like that, I didn't want to hurt him"

Jimin reached his hand out to touch your arm but Jin yanked you back into his chest with a warning glare.

"I don't want any of you touching her" Jin spoke. You sighed but didn't argue, simply leaned back against him.

"Alright then, I'll deal with you later Jimin. In the meanwhile, just be careful and avoid going out alone. Let's get to class." Namjoon decided.

You were surprised how easy it was for the rest of the pack to get back to normal conversations in the car, which made you wonder if arguments like this were usual between them. Feeling a bit guilty either way about causing drift and your family bringing pain to sweet Jimin you kept quiet the whole ride. Jin who sat at your side kept trying to start conversations but when he realized it wasn't going to work he ended up resting his head on your shoulder and you sat like that until you got to school. No matter how on edge you felt you couldn't ignore Jin's pleading eyes as they followed you when you walked over to your locker. He was almost pouting, so when you had grabbed your things you quickly ran over to him and on your tippy toes, pecking his lips softly.

"I'll see you at lunch," you told him before hurrying off to your classroom, but not before you could see Jin's face contort into a cheeky smile.

The first thing that happened as you sat down and got ready for another incredibly boring lesson was that for once... Someone sat down next to you, even when there were other empty seats. You glanced at the girl and recalled that she had been looking at you earlier when you arrived with the boys but you had shrugged it off.

"Y/N! I'm Mahiro. It's good to see you." she smiled sweetly, extending her hand when she noticed you looking. You moved with a sense distrust in your chest, hesitantly shaking her hand.

"Not to sound rude or anything but... Do we know each other?" you frowned. She giggled before shaking her head.

"No, I don't think so. Our families do, though. I'm a part of the Kawamura heritage! And you're an L/N."

You felt really taken back by her words. It wasn't that she seemed hostile or untrustworthy, but generally, you didn't trust people who came up to you and said their family is friends with yours. It was often bad news. From your knowledge you had never personally met any of the Kawamuras.

You decided not to answer but she wasn't having it.

"I need to talk to you about something later but for now... "

She leaned closer, resting her chin against her palm.

"How is it?" she almost whispered the words. "You know.. Being with a lycanthrope?

You felt your face heat up when you realized what she was insinuating, straightening your back in an attempt to play it off. Thankfully your teacher entered the classroom at this moment.

What the fuck was this girl's deal?

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