Chapter Twenty One

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To your relief Mahiro stayed within the frame of the subject of that lesson and only spoke when talking between classmates was allowed. You tried sneaking off to your next lesson without her noticing but soon realized she took that class too and so you slowed down and let her catch up just a bit. Not enough to let her have time to start talking too much to you though. The lesson was the last one repeated. Mahiro sat down next to you, chatted a bit as you did your best not to give her too much attention and as soon as that dreadfully long lesson was over you bolted out to find Jin and the others.

They had already taken a table in the cafeteria and Jin smiled and waved at you as you entered. The moment you sat down next to him at the seat he had saved you and had said hi to them all Mahiro tugged at your shirt from behind. You swallowed thickly, smile disappearing from your face, before turning your head with a frown.

"No. Let's talk later. Just let me have this lunch, will you?" Your words came out a little bit harsher than intended and you felt a bit bad when her smile faltered.

"Can't I sit with you?" She asked. You knew the others were probably eyeing her curiously.

"No. You can't. Because I don't trust you." You got out, lowering your voice. Mahiro let her shoulders drop down as she got an annoyed look on her face.

"Okay sure. Whatever. You're kind of an awful person you know?" She didn't let you answer before turning around and walking away at a quick pace, leaving you with the frown still apparent on your face. You turned back to the table and your food in a confused, slow manner.

"Y/N? Y/N are you listening? Who was that?" Jin poked you in the ribs.

"Is she someone we should be worried about?" Namjoon butted in, giving you a meaningful glance. You hesitated.

"I- I don't know yet. Her family isn't exactly known to be good people," you admitted. "But then again... Neither is mine"

"That's different, you're not one of them" Jin pressed his lips to your cheek and even though you knew he meant well, you weren't sure exactly it was about that comment that set you off. You felt like he had just punched you in the stomach. Maybe it was hormones? Or maybe you were just overwhelmed. Perhaps it was as simple as the fact that you had known all your life you didn't belong in the world you had been raised in; didn't belong with your supposed to be peers. Tears formed in your eyes as you gently pushed Jin off.

"I'll talk to her later, Namjoon. Don't worry about it." you only said before turning all your attention to your food. You could almost feel Jin's disappointment and sadness oozing from him but you couldn't bear yourself to look at him at the moment. Maybe it was childish.

You caught Mahiro by the sleeve as she was on her way home from school. She looked really upset when she saw you.

"Hey, I'm sorry. You can't blame me for not trusting you, can you? You know I love and care for Jin and his friends. I just don't want to do anything to hurt them" you tried explaining as she kept walking and you followed trying to keep up.

"I suppose. If I wanted to hurt them, wouldn't I have done so already? I've known about them forever." she spoke in a monotone manner. You sighed, struggling to keep up with her a bit.

"Mahiro, you said you wanted to talk to me about something. I'm sorry, but you really did make it sound as if it was something important" you frowned. She shook her head, hair falling down and covering parts of her face. She finally stopped walking and met your eyes. She looked incredibly calm, her face so cold it almost looked to be out of stone for a moment. Then she seemed to shake that off, a smile that didn't reach her eyes plastered on her face.

"oh yeah, don't worry about it. it's not that important. We'll talk about it later. I'll see you at school tomorrow" she said, wandering off again. You didn't try to catch up to her this time, only began your own walk home. When you reached Minho's apartment you found two people already waiting for you there. Yoongi, sitting on the ground with a bored expression on his face as he looked down at his phone screen, and Jimin awkwardly walking back and forth with an anxious expression.

"Hi... ?" You trailed off. They both looked up at you. "Uhm, do you want to come in or?"

They didn't answer but as they shuffled towards the door and gave you room to unlock you figured that was answer enough.

“Are you suggesting killing my parents?” you asked, glancing between the two of them.

“No. I hate them for what they did to me, to my family. I don’t want you to have to go through that” Jimin immediately denied, shaking his head so his messy hair flew around his cute facial features. There was something about Jimin that made you want to take care of him, like a younger brother. Even if he had been the one who sent the threat, he had also been the one to ask if you were okay that day when you were ignoring them because Jin was gone and now he was talking about not wanting revenge on the murderers of his family since he cared about your feelings.

“I think my parents are way past reasoning though. Agh, this dumb brainwashed hunter-culture.” you sighed, frowning slightly. It didn’t seem like either of the others had had a plan or any idea of where to take the conversation after this.

“How did Jin react when you came to him after being with me? Did he mention it?” Yoongi suddenly spoke. You looked away from him, uncomfortable.

“Do you want me to be angry at you?” You shot back. In the corner of your eye you could see Yoongi look very taken back but then he gave a shy smile.

“Sorry, I’m just wondering because I’m sure he’ll be able to figure out we’ve been to see you and I’m worried me and Jimin aren’t really on his good side as it is right now” he explained. You shook your head, looking back at them.

“Did… Something happen between you? Hyung, what did you do?” Jimin frowned, hesitating on his words.

“Nothing happened, Jiminie. We just talked, but you know how protective Jin is over her.” Yoongi pat Jimin on his back with a reassuring smile.

“Right. Yeah.” Jimin nodded, leaning back a bit in his seat with a scrunched up, thoughtful face. “If we would just have something your family wants then we could strike up a deal to make them leave us alone.”

There was this question nagging at the back of your head though. Why Jimin and Yoongi? You would have expected Jin or Namjoon; hell, even Hoseok made more sense. You just had to ask…

“Why are you here?”

You almost cut Yoongi off as he was talking about some ideas he thought maybe could work to figure out your current situation. All ideas got the same responses: sighs and heads shaking.

“What do you mean?” Jimin sounded slightly confused.

“Why are you two here and why did you decide to come here together just the two of you?” you sighed, feeling a bit dumb as you said it out loud. Yoongi glanced at Jimin, both of them seemingly unsure of what to say.

“Why not?” Yoongi finally shrugged.

“Sorry, I’m just confused as to why anyone does anything these days” you rubbed your eyes with the back of your hands. “Unsure of who to trust and who trusts me, you know? Either way, I think you should leave before my brother come home.”

They nodded and Jimin mumbled an oh okay. Minho knew Jin and that was nerve wracking enough. Even if Minho said he wouldn't hurt Jin because he didn’t want to hurt you, that didn't mean he wouldn't hurt the others. He had a reputation to live up to after all.
You said you goodbyes to them before escaping to your room, settling down to do some homework before deciding to text Jin.

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