Chapter Nineteen

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You reached the house and took out Jin's clothes throwing them around the corner for him to put on after transforming back. Standing outside the front door you decided to wait for Jin. There was no way you'd face the others for the first time as hunter and shifters alone.

"You are..." you furrowed your brows, poking Jin in the chest with your fingers the moment he rounded the corner; messy hair, dishevelled clothes but still absolutely, perfectly beautiful. "... So cool"

"Well, we all know that already don't we" he winked, leaning over to press his lips to yours in a quick, heated kiss. "Come on, let's go in to meet the others. They probably already know we're here and are waiting for us."

You nodded and he placed his hand on the small of your back, leading you into the house, most likely sensing your nervousness. There were voices heard from what you recalled was the living room. Voices that quieted down when you entered.

"I've been informing them of where we stand at the moment," Namjoon spoke, looking at you. Jin slid his hand around your waist as he moved over to an empty recliner, pulling you down to sit on his lap. He had his arms loosely around your waist in a relaxed manner, though there was something protective about it still.

"I'm not particularly worried about Y/N, as Jin has already marked and mated with her." Namjoon sighed, a glance at the one sitting behind you. "But I don't like how this puts us in a dangerously close position to her family. They're smart, they'll figure things out sooner or later and I'm guessing they won't listen to reason, right?"

You shook your head. "No... My brother already did figure it out and has been weirdly okay with everything. I don't... completely trust it though."

There were a few worried comments scattered around the room. You didn't realize the fear and worry spreading through your body until Jin grabbed and squeezed your hand gently to reassure you.

"I want to get one thing out of the way. Someone sent a threatening text to Y/N. I want to know if it was one of you." Jin finally spoke up.

You slipped your phone out of your pocket, opening the text conversation in question and giving your phone to Jin who passed in on.

"You seriously think one of us would- this is insane." Jeongguk shook his head. He was about to keep talking before someone else beat him to it.

"Isn't this your number, Yoongi?" Hoseok spoke in a monotone, low voice. Yoongi's face fell into a frown, quickly at Hoseok's side as he grabbed the phone.

"I- It is. But I swear I didn't send that message. I don't give a shit about Sungmin." he declared, shaking his head as if the idea was absurd to him.

"Then why did you ask if I knew him?" you quietly spoke up. It seemed like Yoongi hadn't informed the others of this, which was fair in all honesty, as they all turned to him accusingly.

"Seriously? I could smell him on you all day, I thought he had hurt you or something. It wouldn't be the first time he laid his gross hands on some poor human." Yoongi defended himself, throwing his hands up. "I only found out he was dead after and you know what? Good riddance, I say."

There was another tense silence spreading through the room.

"But then who- Since it was your phone..."

Suddenly Jimin shot up, face looking slightly pale.

"It was me" he got out. "I- It was me... I sent the text from Yoongi hyung's phone"

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