Chapter Thirty One

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You swore, gulping down your drink before slamming your forehead down against the surface. You weren't sure what you had been thinking. That your family would just take you back in and everything would have changed? That they'd suddenly have accepted the fact that you had betrayed them and everything they stood for? It had been three years since you stepped a foot into this town, but that didn't mean things were different. They had killed your brother in cold blood. You had left the pack unsure about whether or not they were even alive. In your mind, they couldn't possibly be. You had already cried enough, so no tears would come even though coming back here was a more emotional experience than you could have ever imagined.

You were sitting here, at the bar you used to go to all the time when you were younger, the bar where you and Kim Seokjin had experienced your first kiss, no tears coming but body aching from all the sorrow you thought you had gotten rid of. 

Jin couldn't believe his eyes. He had been coming to this bar since you had disappeared, he knew you loved it and he loved it because it reminded him of you. Every time he came here with his brothers, his pack, he hoped to find you sitting there looking as wonderful as the last time he had seen you. He had thought about meeting you again more than once, but now that his eyes thought they found you in the crowd he felt paralyzed. Almost as if it wasn't real; a dream.

"Jin hyung, are you listening?" Namjoon tapped Jin's shoulder as he tried following his gaze, to no avail. They knew he missed you. None of them had experienced what he had gone through, but they understood it was hard. Impossible to accept even. They had hoped Jin would have been doing at least a bit better now after three years, that he would have moved on only a little bit. But they also understood that maybe that would never happen. 

Jin didn't answer his alpha, only stumbled onto his feet as he made his way quickly through the bar, towards the bar counter. He came to a halt, heart beating hard in his chest as he hesitated. After all this time you still smelled just as nice.  A little different, but maybe even better than he remembered. Your hair looked a lot softer too. Your skin had a more healthy glow. He noticed all these little details about you that were different but still somehow felt so familiar. 

"Y/N?" he choked out. You couldn't believe your ears, slowly moving around on your stool to face the voice. Your head spun.

"...Jin?" you whispered weakly, your voice cracking slightly. Once again tears rolled down your cheeks. "I thought... I thought you were dead!" 

Jin grabbed onto your face, smashing his plump lips onto yours. You were pretty sure he was crying too at this point. Surely all of the wet tears couldn't have been yours, right? You wanted to be as close to him as possible, legs wrapping around his waist as you desperately held on to him as if your life depended on it. It felt as if the moment you'd let him go he'd disappear again, and you just couldn't let that happen.

"The others... Are the others okay? My family. Oh god, my family didn't hurt them did they?" you gasped as you let your lips leave his. He shook his head no, pressing his forehead against yours. 

"They're okay. They're safe. Oh my god, Y/N I- I looked for you everywhere, you have no idea- I just-"

Jin choking back tears, his voice breaking. It made you sob.
Before you knew it you were dragging Jin towards the bathroom, slamming the door shut behind him and locking it. Jin wrapped his hands around your thighs, lifting you up onto the sink.

"I missed you" he whimpered against your lips, fingers grasping at your pants as they tried to unbutton them with shaky hands. A little impatient you took over, wriggling out of your pants and underwear smoothly sliding down with them. He moaned when you began working on his belt, cold hands touching his hot skin when you managed to get his boxers off. 

"I'm sorry I didn't come back earlier" you sniffled, arms draped around Jin's shoulders. He lined himself up against your entrance. "I'm sorry I didn't come to look for you" 

Jin kissed you again as he pushed his member into you with a slow, gentle movement. 

"It's okay" he managed to moan against your lips. "It's okay. You're here now. It's okay. I'm not letting you go again."

You were too overcome with emotions to properly answer, only letting out a whimper that was partially drowned against his lips. This is why you loved him. You didn't have to be strong all the time, you could be vulnerable and still not worry about him taking advantage of that or hurting you, nonetheless see you as weak for having those emotions. His thrusts were gentle but passionate, making up for the three years where you had been apart. He softly moved his hands under your shirt to massage your breasts which in return earned him a string of moans from you. They sounded so melodic to his ears and made it hard for him to contain himself. You felt his knot inside of you, his erection swelling in a slightly painful, but not unfamiliar, way as his thrusts came to a halt. He let one hand fall down between you as he leaned back slightly, thumb caressing your clit. Jin left kisses along your jawline but attached them back to yours to drown out your moans when he felt your walls clench around him. He retracted his finger and grabbed your face between his palms, gazing into your eyes. You noticed how they had a wet look to them, almost as if he was about to cry.
He leaned over to give a more gentle kiss, lips brushing against yours almost as gently as his eyelashes brushed over your cheek. 

"We never said it out loud" he spoke. "But we're mates, right?" Your hands previously placed on his chest slid up to rest on his shoulders. 

"I'm just human, with human emotions, I'm sure you can feel it so much more clear than me... But it's the only way I can explain it, yeah. I just... Never felt love before I met you"

He pushed a few strands of hair that had fallen over your eyes away as he gave you the softest and loving smile. 

"Be mine?" he said, his voice a bit lower than before but still clear as day.

"I'm already yours, Kim Seokjin."

"I mean absolutely, fully, completely mine." His thumb brushed over your cheek. "I don't want to ever be apart from you again. I want you to be apart of my pack and I... I want to marry and possibly have children with you in the future"

"My family-" you began but Jin cut you off.

"I'm saying that I want to be your family from now on, Y/N. Whatever happened three years ago, whatever your parents and the hunters may do in the future. We'll take care of it together." he had a cute smile on his face and you couldn't help but mirror it.


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