Color it with the Power of Love!

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In a world of black and white, darkness enveloped the lands. A terrible war raged through and not a single being was left unscathed. In this world, one sole man roamed. A helpless samurai named Pact was left to die in a ditch but when all hope seemed lost, he was found. Caring for his needs and his injuries, he awoke to see a young maiden. Making sure he was alright, she provided him food and shelter until he was well again. For the first time, he saw something different. Something he had never seen before in this war torn world.

After staying for a couple of weeks, he promised her that the war will soon end. Instead, she asks him to promise that he'll keep the color in his heart. Unable to understand because in this world, only black and white exists. With sincerity she responded that if it is fated, they will meet again.

As the war rages on, a rumor of a young lady who ventures the land healing the injured spread. He is lost, tired and not getting any younger. The world seemed different, worse and much more horrible than its original state. Lives were lost and he felt like he lost his too. From the colorless world, he sees a string in a color he had never seen before. A color that radiated so bright he found himself hypnotised by it and dragged his injured feet to follow it. Connected to the string was the young lady he had met years beforehand. Collapsing from exhaustion, he awoke to the sounds of a battle ongoing outside. Looking out, he sees the young lady fighting off enemy men and proceeded to help her.

Together, they travelled the world, fighting the enemies one by one until they could no more. Over time, they began to fall in love and soon they raised a small beautiful family of their own. Their first daughter, Ayako, was nicknamed their promised child. The one who unified them together as one. This small family were loved by all and were proclaimed the rulers of the kingdom now known as Pact's Country.

In legends from years ago, one story tells of a darkness that was pushed away by the light. A light that was ignited in one being and spread throughout. Take that light and color it, in a color only you own.


The clink and clanks of the glass cups rang out as students sat in silence, each one brushing the canvas with paint. She watched a student from afar as they poured more water into their glass, making sudden eye contact she did a little smirk. Their teacher walked by the individual art pieces. Looks of concentration covered their faces as they tried to perfect it all. One student scratched her head. Staring at the different paint colors and her paint brush, the red head smiled in satisfaction watching her piece come together perfectly.

"Wonderful job, Itose" the teacher said behind her

"Oh, heh heh" Itose scratched her head in embarrassment "thanks?"

"Keep up the good work"

"Will do"

Putting her brushes away and cleaning up her area, she placed the canvas on her table before tucking the easel back into place. Chatter arose in the classroom as class was coming to an end. The sounds of compliments could be heard while everyone looked over each others work. Before Itose could walk away from the chaos, students crowded her as they stared at her piece.

"Oh wow!" they exclaimed

Grinning to herself, she watched them in amusement before picking it up.

"Well guys, class is over and if I stay here longer than the bell, I might just die so I'm going to leave this and go"

"So soon?" they asked "Don't you have any after school activities?"

"Nah, I decided that I'm just gonna follow my own schedule today."

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