It Starts With a Smile

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After returning home from the mini weekend getaway, all Itose could think about was the strange girl who had appeared out of nowhere. That entire Sunday, she had been in discussion with the others about what to do but of course, could come up with nothing.

Stretching out her legs, drastically reaching her hands out into the air, she slowly slid out of her bed. She could already hear her brothers causing chaos in the kitchen and the last thing she wanted to do was see their annoying faces. How come every time she wanted some peace, her brothers thought it was a good time to be the most messiest and loudest people in the entire planet. Just for once, she wished they'd just move out.

Reluctantly opening the door, she was greeted by a compilation of pillows attacking her.

"NOW WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" she screeched as she attacked all her brothers while they interrupted in fits of laughter.

Seryuu, the second youngest brother, stared at them with a blank expression on his face before walking away. Clearly capturing every part of that moment with his phone.

"Seryuu! Delete that!" Itose yelled after him but to no avail as he had locked himself out of the world with his headphones

"Aw come on, Ito! Have a little bit of fun! Smile a bit!" The eldest, Raizou teased

"Tell me to smile one more time at 7 in the morning and I'll start giving you a reason to cry!" she huffed "and don't call me Ito!"

Running into the bathroom before anybody else did, Itose sighed with relief at the safety of the wall between her and her brothers.

"Pure chaos..." she muttered "ack!"

After her quick shower, she hurriedly slid out into her bedroom and fixed up her red shoulder length hair. Carefully brushing it, she split it into two before creating two low braids. Tying the completed braids with a small elastic, she quickly began to wrap one around the beginning of the braid before repeating the same step with the other. Every time somebody asked about her hair, she described it as a milk maid braid but at the back of your head. Once secured, she fixed her bangs, grabbed Bow and stuffed him into her bag before heading out. By this time, it was nearly late. Quickly munching on her breakfast, she sped down the stairs with her lunch bag in hand as she raced down the street.

Everything seemed normal, April was nearly coming to an end and May was on it's way. Reflecting on the past month, she had never experienced anything so busy in her life. Her arms and legs were always aching and that month must have been the entire accumulation of her exercise for the past 16 years. Physical activities were definitely not her best forte.

Soon, the school gates were finally in sight, along with the hundreds of students that had decided that the gates were a great place to socialise and create a barricade of uniforms. Squeezing through the crowds, a familiar face caught her attention.

A girl with bright yellow hair tied into two pigtails that curled at the end. With a brow raised, she recognised her as the girl from the other day.

"She goes to this school...?" Itose mumbled to herself "talk about coincidence"

Staring for a while, Itose tried to figure out who she was. After all, all this time it just seemed like some random kid who came to her. Maybe now there was a chance to help her out a bit, but as usual, Itose was out of ideas.

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