Beyond the Dark is Light

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The sun arose and each area of the building was filled with light. Though it was now morning, no noise was made. Everyone was still in deep slumber and nothing was going to wake them. Bow sat in silence with the Pixhites that have gathered. Last night's event was something they were not expecting and something they didn't think would ever happen. The Lady in the Prism Heart was a mysterious being, for now.

A door slowly slid open and Itose's father Daiki peeked inside. His brown hair was messed up like it usually was and was thinning out. He slowly looked around the room and looked at Bow. Knowing that he'd get caught, Bow remained still making sure to not make any sudden movements. The door slid back closed as he sighed heavily. It was hard to remain hidden amongst humans.

30 minutes soon passed and the girls folded up their futons. Kanae rubbed her eyes as she squinted at the sun. It was a lovely day and they were excited to spend it together. Ryoka folded her duvet quietly. She looked around at the others who were now immersed in conversation. She scratched her head in confusion. Nyumi looked at her and tilted her head.

"Good morning! Are you alright Ryoka?"

"Good morning Nyumi" Ryoka smiled "I'm fine, why do you ask?"

"You look strange"

"Maybe because of last night's events..."

"I guess that's the case" Nyumi nodded in agreement

"Let's go have breakfast" Aone called out to the girls

Daiki had placed some leftovers onto the table. There were some sandwiches he had prepared the night before.

"Thank you for the food!" they all said in unison

"What a feast!" Watase exclaimed as he took a sandwich

"Next time, help" Daiki tutted

"You looked fine" Watase said without making any eye contact with his dad

Itose raised an eyebrow in disapproval

"You should help out once in a while Watase"

"Why? He has you?"

The comment made Seryuu look up and break his silence "He has you but because of your inability to be skillful, father must be aided by his youngest child. Because of our incapabilities to be good children, Itose must work ten times harder and it's disappointing that we don't see that. Especially you Watase. You don't work. You don't wash after yourself. You go outside 24/7. You take everything for granted and you expect father to do everything for you. Ungrateful."

Everyone gawked at his comment. Itose looked at Seryuu surprised he had that in him. Watase surely was put into place.

"Now now, let's not do this in the morning" Daiki said trying to liven up the atmosphere

"No father, this needs to be discussed." Seryuu said gently placing his cup down.

"Do we need to leave?" Kanae whispered to Aone.

"Uhh..." Aone read the atmosphere. It was definitely going to get awkward really soon.

"Maybe" Ryoka said uncomfortably shifting in her seat.

"There are 5 children. Raizou works at a game store, Sedaka goes to college, I go to school, Itose goes to school and Watase feeds off everyone else's hardwork."

"It's not like I'm ungrateful" Watase defended

"Then show it. We may work elsewhere but we don't actually help anybody at our own family store. Itose must go to school activities, she must do her homework, she must spend time to clean up after us, she must help at the store whenever she can. So what do we do? Knock loudly at her door every morning and annoy every inch of her soul."

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