With Patience Comes a High Chance

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Birds chirped in the early mornings as Itose grumbled around. Bow had been awake already and had been patiently waiting for her to wake up as he sat at her table. He looked at the various pictures placed around her wall, many of which were from when she was younger. Old drawings, paintings and photographs that visualized her childhood to him. She had a bright future he thought to himself. The peace outside differed from the peace that occurred inside. Her brothers decided to act like wild animals and were making the loudest noise anybody could ever hear. Bow remained still in fear that one of her many brothers would just fling her door right open. Itose began to move around in her bed angrily placing the pillow that was below her on top of her. A large thump on the door angered her even more as she sat up and flung the pillow at the door.

"BE QUIET!" she sat up angrily and as she quickly looked at the door to the window only to see a faint creature staring right at her. She tilted her head and opened the window. There stood a green Pixhite who smiled at her gently. He had green spiked up hair and he looked like a pineapple.

"Be patient, they will soon get bored" he said before hastily leaving.

Itose scratched her head and made her way to the mirror dragging her every step. Her hair was all over the place and honestly, she didn't feel like fixing it. She headed to the bathroom and quickly brushed her teeth. Fixing her hair in the usual updo she sprinted down the steps. The smell of omelette wafted through the each room, making Itose's stomach to grumble up a storm.

"Good morning!"

"Morning Itose! Have some breakfast" her dad said as he placed the food carefully onto the table "I charged your camera for you"

"Oh really?" she said as she chewed her food "I didn't even ask but thanks!"

She quickly finished her food and headed out the door. It was a nice cool breeze and it marked that summer was soon coming. She couldn't wait! With her camera around her neck, she turned around and ran back up the stairs forgetting that she left Bow in her room.

"Why hello ~bo"

"Sorry! I was caught up in life for a moment" she let out a giggle

"Well thank you for being so considerate ~bo"

"Anytime! Hey Bow!"

"Mhm? ~bo"

"Pixhites, do they just come and go?"

"No, they typically stay to the one they're bonded with. Like Nyumi and Ryoka ~bo"

"Oh, you saw that Pixhite this morning right?

"Yes. Jan? ~bo"

"I guess that's his name. What was he up to?"

"Pixhites have the liberty to do anything. They're not necessarily bound to the one they bond with ~bo"

"Oh! Okay" she continued to walk down the path and looked down at Bow in her bag "So who was that Pixhite?"

"Jan. Pixhite of Patience ~bo"

"No wonder. He told me to be patient"

She walked down the sunny road of Nanamigaoka and headed towards a mall where Ryoka, Aone and Kanae would be waiting for her. After walking for a little bit she spotted Ryoka and Aone. They were together at the corner of the door and were looking out for her.

"Hey!" Itose jogged towards them "Been waiting long?"

"No, not necessarily. We have to wait for Kanae though"

In the distance, they could see a small girl running towards them. Her pigtails being brushed by the wind as she ran. Hurrying over she quickly bowed.

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