White on Black. The Triplet's Thank You.

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Since making the promise with the TriTriplets, the four Pretty Cure's couldn't keep it off their minds. They knew it was time to save Bow from the darkness and fulfill their promise to him. Promises were never easy to keep but they were determined regardless. If they were going to get stronger, they'd have to face them head on one day. It was just a stream of promises at this point.

Bow promises his kingdom that he would find the magical object. The girls promised him they would help and to make sure he was safe. Then they also promised to help the TriTriplets. Despite the many promises they had to keep, they were all linked. If they didn't help the Triplets, they would be breaking their promise of helping Bow find the magical object, and Bow would break his promise of helping his home.

"How do we get there?" Itose asked Tora who looked up at her "to the darkness, that is."

"A portal. However, it won't be easy. Once we arrive, the MonoChro members will be there and possibly, the master as well." Tora explained

"You keep talking about this master... who are they?" Ryoka questioned

"Our true leader, apparently." Ian said


"You may need to be in Pretty Cure forms... you're walking straight into a battlefield." Guru said quickly.

The girls looked at each other and nodded, if they were going to save Bow, they better do it right.

"Color it! PreCure Splash!"

Finally, it felt like the easy parts of being a Pretty Cure was over. What was coming up in the unforeseen future, was definitely going to be even more difficult.


In the darkness, hidden away from any light, the Master of the MonoChro watched them from afar. In the middle of the room, a small fairy remained tied up with the three MonoChro members jeering at him. Standing still, Master took in a deep breath, her eyes following every movement that happened.

"Look at him. And he calls himself a samurai" Rokkaku jeered

"Pathetic if you ask me." Maruko laughed at Bow who struggled to raise his head.

Blinking slowly, Master stood up from where she was sitting and ventured towards the trio. The three stood and kneeled before her as she gave them a small nod before staring at Bow who looked back at her with desperate eyes.

"What should we do with him?" Maruko asked

"Hm..." she pondered for a while "it does seem like he's telling the truth... Just keep him prisoner until we find it."

"Yes, master."

Bow stared at her, his mouth trying to form words but failing. All he could do was scan her, analysing her appearance.

"Kneel! You pathetic fool!" Maruko shouted with a hint of laughter as she pushed his chair down to the ground.

Rokkaku's laughter roared through the empty halls as Bow coughed in pain.

"Your... master... ~bo" Bow struggled to say in between coughs

"Ebony." she cut in

"Ebony? ~bo"

"I. I am Master Ebony." she repeated in her monotonous voice.

Just then, she spun round and stared into the space. As if sensing something coming. Without another word, she walked out of the room, leaving the others to continue teasing Bow. Walking quickly, she wandered deeper and deeper into the darkness.

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