A Prism Heart to Remember

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Shia stared at the ceiling in Aone's room. They had returned and the sun was already down. She shifted to her left and stared at the moon. Oh how beautiful it was. If only Pact's Country had something of such elegance. The moon illuminated in the dark, something she didn't think was possible. She thought only light could illuminate but even in the dark, light can still shine through. There was something about this world that seemed so different to her own. She loved it, maybe one day, her home too, could feel like this.

She sat up and looked at Aone who had cuddled deep into her bed. Shia smiled gently before sitting back down to sleep. Prism's Arc. Prism Arc. There was no difference...

The house was silent for both Morinaka and Koujiki household. Kanae's room was clean and had her various hair equipment there. She was tired, her mother peaked into her room and stood there watching her in silence for a moment. She was tired lately, she should let her rest, after all, she was her mother. Ryoka had cuddled herself into a tiny ball to gain warmth though whenever she stretched, it got cold.

Itose stared at her necklace that day. It was shining a lot brighter than what it usually did. Prism's Arc, huh? If this being in her necklace was that important, why did her mother give it to her? The first Pretty Cure, Cure Prism... How was such a majestic being in her necklace.

The next morning, Itose headed downstairs with sleepy eyes. Her brothers who were surprisingly already awake greeted her.

"Morning Ito!" Sedaka called out from the kitchen.

Rubbing her eyes Itose stared at her family "Why are you all awake?"

"Well, we decided to tackle breakfast" Sedaka replied accidentally dropping a large bowl of egg mix.

"And there goes breakfast. Talk about tackling" Itose rolled her eyes but she smiled in gratitude.

"You look bright" Her dad said giving her a large pat on the back


"We heard you got yourself a little crush" Seryuu added as he ate some sushi that was supposed to be for his lunch.

"A crush? Hah?" Itose scratched her head then remembered "Oh gosh who told you"

"AHA! So we were right!" Sedaka ran towards her "We heard from that one staff in the arcade that you went there on your birthday, it looked like you were on a date"

"A date!?" Daiki turned around and rushed to his daughter "Why am I hearing of this now!? Date?! With who?! When?! Why!?"

"Wha- Dad, stop it" Itose pulled him away "I'm 17, I'm growing you know"

"Did you know high school relationships don't last much!" Daiki cried out

"You and what statistics?" Itose looked fed up "Also, you always said you and mom dated when you were 15! 15! That's two years my junior!"

"But you're my only daughter! I can't give you up just yet!" Daiki cried out again, this time a lot louder

"Dad, our sister here knows what she's doing, she's smart, she's knowledgable, she ain't gonna be stupid like you so please, hush up" Watase said patting Itose on the back "right sis?"

"Right right" Itose sat at the table and looked at her necklace "Say where did mom get me this necklace fro-"

"Who is the guy!?" Her dad interrupted.

"Hiroshi, you know who that is" Itose replied "But don't interrupt, answer it for me dad"

"Wha- We're just going to bypass this?!" He looked at his children who all stared at him with their poker faced expressions.

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