When Rain Falls, so do I

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A new week had started and the rain was pouring down on to the windows, like a small orchestral piece that was trying to entertain the students in the classroom. Sitting in her seat, Itose stared out the window, watching the droplets race each other to the bottom. Her eyes becoming crossed as she tried to keep track of one specific droplet. As the mini competition continued on in her head, she could hear her English teacher drone on in the background. Finally removing herself from her distraction. She stared at the teacher who was writing a bunch of English vocabulary onto the blackboard. Staring at the words, she tried to pronounce each one but failing ultimately.

Getting bored of paying attention, Itose stared at the classroom. The walls were colorful, full of art projects her classmates had made. Posters and other educational gibberish were also hung up. The clock in front of the classroom ticked ever so slowly as she hurried for school to finish. Just then, her eyes were brought to an empty seat in the middle of the room. All other students around the empty seat paid no attention to it. Itose stared blankly, imagining the student that sat there. The girl with blue hair who was often studying her hardest. Aone. The one and only day ever, she was absent.

It was strange. No matter how sick she was or whatever happened, Aone always made it her top priority to make it to school. Her life motto after all was "it's good to be healthy physically and in the mind". Itose remembered the one day that Aone twisted her ankle but still made it to P.E. There was a test a few days ago where Aone had a terrible fever, but still made it in to do her test. Maybe her sickness got to her and she was forced to stay home? No matter what happened, Itose was worried. It was Aone after all, a girl who was now one of her best friends.

As class ended, Itose poked Asaka "Hey"

"Oh hey, Itose! What's up?"

"Just wondering, but where's Aone? I mean, she would never miss school. And she never messaged us saying that she was going to be absent."

"Hm... I don't know. It's so unlike her to disappear like this."

"I'm just worried... I mean, it's raining but Aone would usually bring an umbrella with her"

"Yeah... I've also noticed she's become pretty comfortable with the rain... maybe not after all?" Asaka sighed "maybe we can go check on her after school?"

"Good idea"

Now, Itose was more than eager for school to end. She tried to pass the time by actually doing work or forcing herself to be busy. Finally, after what seemed like eternity, the last school bell rang. Heading out of the classroom, both Itose and Asaka walked to the shoe lockers to tell Kanae and Ryoka of their plan.

"I was wondering why I didn't see her this morning..." Kanae said

All nodding, they hurriedly slipped off their school shoes and put on their outdoor shoes. As they finished up, they turned around to see Reo staring at them oddly.

"What?" Ryoka asked

"Aone?" he said, simply

"Absent." Asaka replied "we were going to go check on her, if you wanna come?"

The three girls stared at each other, unsure if Aone would like that. However, Reo was extremely delighted with the idea and agreed to tag along. Shrugging, the group headed out. All tucked underneath umbrellas. Kanae noticed her driver and explained the situation to him. Asking him to collect her later. After a while of persuasion, the girls grinned at the happy Kanae who skipped over with a smile on her face.

"Okay, let's go"

Speeding through the rain, Asaka led the way to Aone's home. Despite knowing each other for a while now, they had never been to Aone's house before. Let alone the outside of it. Aone's neighborhood seemed normal, with houses on each side of the road. After many twists and turns, they arrived outside what seemed to be Aone's home. On the gate, the word "Fuji" was written.

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