Ten Years a Secret

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Shia watched Itose talk to her father, learning about the secret of her prism heart necklace caused thoughts to race through her brain. Soon, their voices were drowned out and Shia found herself lost in her memories. Memories from 10 years ago. Memories to her 7th birthday. Memories to where she was still a normal girl... before she became...


In a beautiful country that was brimming with light, another little girl had the brightest smile on her face. Those around her were almost certain she could outshine their sun at that point. Racing around the castle, her dress sweeping behind her as well as a bunch of maids trying to chase her. Bouncing up and down excitedly, her purple hair unleashing itself from its ribbon.

"Princess Ivory! We really must get you get cleaned up!" one maid yelled picking up the ribbon that had been left on the ground

"Do I have to?!" she groaned, her lips pouting as her eyebrows narrowed


"No thank you!" with that, she was off running through the hallways once again.

At that point, it was pretty much useless to chase after the young princess. This was her last day as a six year old after all, it would be a waste to stop her excitement. The little princess ran faster and faster as she headed towards the main hall where her parents, King Gralor and Queen Pearla, were. As she bust the door open, she happily plopped herself on top of her mother as she squeezed her into a tight hug.

"Mother mother!"

"Yes, Ivory?"

"Tomorrow is my birthday!"

"Yes it is dear. Now I thought you were supposed to be getting dressed for your lessons?"



Turning her attention away from her mother, she turned to her father hoping he would be more excited.

"Father father! It's my birthday tomorrow!"

"Mhm." he nodded as he continued to read paperwork

Frowning, Shia slid off her mother's lap and left the room. Gently closing the door behind her, she lingered there for a while wondering what to do next. Looking around the hallway she decided to let her feet bring her wherever. Soon, she found herself going down the stairs into the kitchen where the maids and servants were busy preparing for her birthday tomorrow.

"Whatcha' doin'?" she asked, her head barely able to peek at the head cook

"Making your cake young miss. May I ask, what on earth are you doing down here?"

"I was bored and nobody wanted to play with me..."

Putting down the wooden spoon, the head cook knelt down to meet her eye level "I'll tell you what young miss, how about you help me in the kitchen? It'll be our little secret."

"Really!?" her eyes sparkling with excitement at the thought of being able to help cook

"Yes. Now get over there to the sink and wash your hands, then when you're down I'll show you how to make a cake."

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