A Not So Secret Admirer

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Opening her eyes to the sound of rain pattering against the window, Aone closed her eyes once again. A few weeks prior, she would have hidden underneath her sheets or even put headphones on to lock the sounds out but this time, she embraced it. Fighting the bad memories it brought along with it, she knew she was safe in her house where the rain couldn't touch her. Her own safe haven.

Sliding out of bed, the stared at the clock. It was nearly 7am. The one thing she disliked was waking up late, therefore was always early to rise. Picking up her phone from the desk, she checked the weather. It seemed like it would only rain in the morning and remain cloudy the rest of the day. That was good.

Heading downstairs, she could see her aunt fast asleep on the couch. Laughing to herself, she shook her head before walking away. She must have been working all night again. Her aunt, Serene, was still quite young but was getting older every moment. She would constantly tease her to hurry and get married so she could leave home without feeling guilty about leaving her alone. But she was too busy working on her book to ever go out.

Grabbing some breakfast, Aone hurried to finish and get dressed. Staring into the mirror, she wasn't one to worry about her appearance. After all, who would look at her. She wasn't popular or pretty. She was that one weird kid that was scared of the rain, always studied and did judo. She didn't mind though, it was good to be healthy both in the mind and physically. There was no such thing as slacking.

Creeping out of the house in order to not wake her aunt, she took an umbrella from the racks and left. Placing the umbrella over her head, she took a deep breath before stepping out. Each foot slowly stepping into a puddle. Distracting herself, she tried to think of good things only. The sunshine, food, her friends and family. Clutching onto her umbrella, she steadily walked to school where she could get out of the rain.

Passing through the school gates, she hurried inside to the shoe lockers. Changing her shoes, she stood at the entrance watching students begin to pour inside. Seeing Ryoka and Kanae, she waved.

"Morning!" Ryoka smiled

"Good morning." Kanae said with a gentle bow

"Mhm" Aone nodded "I'm guessing Itose's going to be a little late, isn't she?"

"You bet" Ryoka laughed "isn't she always"

All laughing, they agreed that Itose really wasn't great at punctuality. Sure, she managed to get there just on the dot but barely. In the midst of their conversation, Kanae noticed a random guy staring in their direction. Raising a brow, the guy hurriedly turned around.

"Hey, Ryoka..." Kanae nudged "that guy was staring at us just now"

"Oh really? Who?"

"Him" she lifted her chin quickly in his direction "but he quickly turned around when I noticed him"

"Who was he looking at?"


"What?" Aone raised a brow in disbelief "no way. Who?"

"Turn around... but don't make it obvious... it's the dude in sports gear" Ryoka mumbled

Rolling her eyes, Aone dropped her umbrella behind her and hurriedly turned to pick it up. As she did so, she managed to get a quick glance.

"There is no way" she hissed "he was probably just looking this way by coincidence"

"Apparently not since he's looking again" Ryoka mumbled under her breath

"Shut up, no he's not" Aone groaned

As they spoke, a certain girl with bright red hair came running their direction.

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