Regal Mode! Green is for Comfort

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Ryoka headed down to her usual chair in the dining room. It was as if her family had a set rule. Nobody sat on one another's place, it's never been a said rule. It just existed. Like everything usually is, it just exists. But the reason as to why they exist, remain a mystery. Sometimes she may need to use a different spot and when she does, it becomes a little odd. There's a new change of scenery, a new change of pace. When that happens, it's up to the person to decide what to do.

That day, Ryoka didn't need to change from her usual seat but she did think about it. What would I do if I were sitting at the sofa for a change? Would it be better she thought. There's no need for her to be sitting at the sofa for breakfast anyway, no need.

Aside from these very ordinary daily occurrences, it also seemed apparent that one has a genuine dislike to a particular member of the "spoon family". Why? Nobody will ever know. Since the others spoons were in the sink and she had no desire in washing any of them, it was best to use the one spoon that was never used. May feel different but it's all right, it's just a spoon.

So with these early morning thoughts, Ryoka headed to the shower where she decided to soak in her thoughts. It was running wildly that day. Her parents worked hard, her father worked in his workplace and her mother worked for her. It's a mother's job to take care of their child and it's a child's job to take care of their mother, it's normal. Right? If you don't care for them, it's okay right? I mean, it's just your parents?

A child had every right to tell their parents their thoughts, yet she thought of what she did. It became clearer to her. A child may have the right to speak, but the parents have the right to be respected. She knew that day, her parents would have lost all respect for her. Anyone would have.

Getting up she quickly dressed for the day. What was new? The unnervingly creepy feeling that soon, their lived could change for better or for worse. Color? Light? What is that but a bunch of words. Promise? Who kept those nowadays? If the Ryoka a year ago asked the Ryoka now how her life is like and that she'd learn that her whole life would depend on the promises of people, she'd have mocked you.

They were going to head to a garden center that day and her mom wanted to make sure to have the best prices. It was on sale. People do love a good sale.

"Mom?" Ryoka asked her mom as she pulled at a stuck cart.

"Mhm?" her mom replied tugging harder at the trolley, finally coming loose.

"What's a promise?"

Her mom stopped and looked at Ryoka as she thought, she continued to move. "A promise? I guess you could say... it's another form of hope. She picked up a small plant and placed it down.


"Mhm, when you were younger, we'd promise to get you ice cream, we'd promise you that we'd get you another toy after you broke one. To you, it gave you a new sense of hope".

"I never thought of it that way... Do you think... this world, is losing hope?"

"My, that's a tough question" her mom laughed gently

"Sorry, my brain has been going wild with thought since this morning"

"Well, if you want my take, yes, I think this world has lost hope."

"Why do you think so?"

"Well, take a look at these flowers around you. Imagine we're these flowers, each and every single one of us. You see, they need different ingredients to grow, when one is gone, they can't"


"Us people, we're needy. We want a lot of things, we want this, we want that but there's one thing we want but could never get and that is hope."

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