Our Promise for the First Snow

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As quickly as it came, October was gone and November had arrived. The girls were beginning to feel the piercing cold approaching as the holiday spirit warmed them up. All around the town, decorations were already being hung up and placed beautifully for people to see. Seeing this being all set up, was Reo Hada. A well off high schooler who has an obvious crush on Aone. He was good looking, popular, rich and played sports. He was the number one pick for girls all over the school but Aone dismissed it. She simply didn't care and maybe that's what attracted him to her? She was so different? It was so cliché, like something you'd see in a movie. After all, opposites attract. In fact, Reo had known Aone since middle school and that's where his crush on her began. All by herself, sometimes with Asaka by her side, he always had an urge to befriend her. However, that yearning to become her friend became more into one sided love that he was determined to fix.

School, as usual, was a bore. Sometimes, he wondered why he even bothered coming in. The teachers were so ambitious, having multiple assignments due on one day as if the students had 7 different bodies to do each task. Popular as he was, he most definitely wasn't smart. Average, but not intelligent. The teacher continued to drone on like background music as he completely tuned her out. Minute after minute, staring out the window, it almost felt like he was in a music video but the only thing in his mind was Aone. She seemed to hate him but also tolerated his presence. As he stared out the window, the white fluffy clouds gave him an idea.

Once class ended, he zoomed out the classroom, passing by every waiting girl who wanted to see him. Dashing down the stairs, he ignored the teachers shouts to slow down. Finally, walking in the hallways a baffled Aone watched Reo nearly crash into her. Hurriedly moving out of the way, she watched him collapse onto the floor.

"Are you... okay...?"

"Yeah yeah cool cool"


Beside her, Itose smiled at the scene in amusement. This had been happening for the past weeks and she had absolutely no idea what he was doing.

"I have an idea" he said suddenly as Aone raised a brow "to prove I'm not as bad as you think I am... I'll take you somewhere on the first snow this season!"

"Take me somewhere...?"

"Yes. It's a promise." His nod so determined, Aone had no choice but to agree

Shouting with glee, he fist pumped the air before disappearing into the hallways again. Confused, Aone looked at Itose who was laughing like an idiot.


"Nothing" Itose grinned "it's just that... he literally just asked you on a date and you were completely oblivious"

"No way..." Aone turned around to walk away "anyways, come on. The others are waiting"

Itose smirked "sure sure."

Meeting up with the others, Aone glared at Itose but it didn't work.

"Guess who just got asked out on a date!!"

"Who?!" Ryoka exclaimed

"Aone" Itose grinned as Aone rolled her eyes

"Eh!" Kanae clapped gleefully "yay! Uh... by who?"

"Re-o Ha-da" Itose mouthed

"It isn't a date!" Aone shouted in retaliation

"Oh? Then what exactly is going somewhere on the first snow fall? Hah?"

"So it is a date!!" Ryoka cheered

Behind them, Shia watched bemused. It was nice to see them so relaxed after weeks of chasing Rokkaku with no signs of victory.

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