A Splash of Blue! A Change from Fear to Courage

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"Hrm!?" Itose immediately stood up at attention and stared at the teacher who was shaking her head in disappointment

"Were you even listening to anything I was saying?"

"Uh... something about the hypotenuse of a triangle...?"

"That was nearly 20 minutes ago"

"Uh... heh" Smiling at her pathetically, the teacher finally let her sit down after the class erupted in a fit of small giggles.

As math class came to an end, Itose stared out the window. The sun was beaming down brightly but far away in the distance, she could see signs of rain clouds coming. Thinking it would just go away, she dismissed it from her thoughts and moved on.

As usual, school continued on. Words just droned on into one ear and out the other. It's not like she wanted to ignore the teachers, she tries but it always fails. The lessons were just too boring, too much words and information that just never sticks. See, she's a physical learner. She'd much rather you give her a bunch of bricks and she'll figure it out herself how to build a house. Experiencing something is way easier to learn than just being told and assuming it's correct. Any one can tell you that five times five is twenty five, but give her five groups of five sticks and she'll figure it out.

Which is why art class is her favorite. When you draw, you realise things you've never noticed before. Like different features on somebody's face you never noticed because it was rude to stare. You notice different shapes, sizes and the different shades of colors. You begin to appreciate the natural things around you and the things that have been created. People usually think that math, english and science is most important but so is art. Your clothes, the curtains, your bed sheets, books and even buildings hold a sense of creativity you just won't learn in science. Sure, those things are the basis and will help but Itose still found experiencing something was a better way to learn than sitting to teacher blabber about things only a few are interested in.

Just then, the sounds of thunder crackled through the sky interrupting what once seemed to be a peaceful class. Students attention were soon diverted and all looking at the rain that was pounding on the windows. Big drops of water falling from the sky, accompanied by lightning and thunder. Inside, the students began to complain, claiming they didn't have umbrellas with them. One student in particular groaned to herself before looking back at her books. Itose just shrugged her shoulders. It was only rain. Nothing to be scared about, right?

Class was finally dismissed and people started sprinting out the building to go home. Since it was raining, of course there were a couple of students who were being ridiculous and playing in the puddles. Proud that she brought an umbrella because of her dad's weird predictable ways, she took it out of her locker. Changing her shoes, she quickly made her way to the entrance only to stop and see a girl just standing there, not moving an inch.

"Uh... are you okay?" Itose asked

The girl had long blue hair with a tiny braid up front but that wasn't what caught her attention. It was the look of worry in her eyes. She did recognise her however. The girl was Aone Rukawa, one of the smartest and most physically active girls in her class. She had never seen a girl both so athletic and also smart.

"Yeah. Fine." Aone mumbled

"Did you not bring an umbrella?"

No reply.

"Wanna share one with me?"

Still no reply. Aone just continued to look into the distance, letting the wet puddles reach her feet. Following her gaze, Itose noticed her stare at the puddles that suddenly got bigger. After a while of silence, something clicked within her. Did she not want to go in the rain?

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