The Red String of Fate

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It was the weekend so thankfully the only thing Itose needed to worry about was the mess her brothers created in the kitchen. Prism had told her the others will return back to their homes so the Pixhites dispersed to their partners homes to wait for them. Shia headed back to Aone's home and Itose sighed as she got ready to wash the dishes. She rolled her sleeves up and began to wash the dishes. The door to the shop was open and was letting in a cold breeze. With her wet hands, she went to the door.

"OY! SHUT THE DOOR WHEN YOU GET IN OR GET OUT!" Itose closed the door shut after yelling and proceeded back to the dishes.

Ruah and Bow laughed at each other. At least she was back to normal.

"The others will be alright right? Prism won't do anything bad to them right?" Itose told Ruah as she picked up some guck her brother left in the sink "Ew, they should throw these in the trash before putting it into the sink"

"She won't harm them, Prism is mysterious like that"

"Like Itose ~bo" Bow laughed "The two are always doing something you didn't think they'd do"

"Exactly, now you get it" Ruah smiled as she hovered over Boshi who had fallen asleep.

"He's gotten tired waiting for Hiroshi" Itose laughed as she almost dropped a plate "Ack!"

"Itose, focus on the dishes ~bo" Bow said sternly

"Yes sir. You okay to be chilling out in the open?"

"I can just pretend to be a stuffed toy ~bo"

"Ah yes, make me look like the child" Itose tutted

"Adults and teens can own stuffed toys ~bo"

"Yes but if you have my family, they won't let you live" Itose laughed after finally finishing the dishes "Now, what should we do today?"

"Your call, we have to wait for your friends to come back ~bo" Bow said

"Let's call Shia, she's probably bored"

Itose ran to the phone and dialed the Rukawa household's phone. After a few seconds of running, Aone's aunt picked up "Hello?"

"Hi! It's Itose, is Shia there?"

"Shia? Yeah she's eating at the moment"

"Can you ask her if she's bored?"

"Bored?" Megumi laughed and from the phone, Itose could hear a distant "are you bored?"

Itose laughed as Megumi went back to the phone "Shia asked if you had anything you were doing"

"I called cause I was bored" Itose laughed

"Ah, I'll tell her then"

"Okay thank you!"

Before the phone was cut off, her aunt spoke again "By the way, where's Aone?"

"Aone... uh?" Itose looked at Ruah and Bow for help but they shrugged "She's running an errand, she'll be back soon"

"Okay, when you talk to her tell her to come home before dark please thank you"

"Will do, bye!"

Itose sighed and went to the sofa and sank deep into it. She looked at her necklace and dangled it across her head.

"Will I be able to hypnotize myself with this I wonder" Itose thought

"What? ~bo" Bow facepalmed

Itose sat back up and looked at the room. It was a room with a sofa on the side of the door and another beside it. In front was a large mirror and several cupboards of things. Curious she opened them up. There, she found several photo albums.

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