Somewhere Over the Rainbow

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"I heard master will soon be here." Tora whispered to Ian

"Me too... the others seem worried even though they're pretending not to be"

"Scaredy cats" Guru giggled

"Oh look. She's finally not repeating us" Ian turned to Guru who just stuck out her tongue

"What did you expect" Tora rolled her eyes "Guru may be a little different but that doesn't mean she can't say her own words."


As the TriTriplets huddled together on the sofa, the sounds of loud footsteps and chatter soon entered the room. For once, Maruko and Rokkaku weren't bickering but were having a somewhat normal conversation.

"The magical object must be found before the master's arrival. If they hear that we haven't got anywhere close in achieving the goal, who knows what will happen to us." said Maruko

"There's four of them now too... No time for games anymore" Rokkaku growled as he grabbed a glass from the counter

"We have to think of a plan. Get one step ahead of those pesky Pretty Cures and Bow." Maruko sighed "Bow huh... the poor fairy doesn't even know what he's doing. It's a pity that Pact's Country chose such a weak and clueless fairy."


May had finally come and spring was coming to an end. Compared to the rain of the past few days, it was surprisingly very sunny. It was a Friday afternoon and the girls continued their regular lives, in hopes to become closer along the way. As usual, the girls spent most of their days in school. Just casually going through the motions.

Leaning back in her seat, Itose rocked her chair back and forth. Breathing heavily, she groaned to herself and stared at the math equations in her notebook. Just a bunch of numbers and letters all jumbled in one.

"I thought this was maths... why is English in this too?" Itose groaned to herself

Sitting up properly, she grabbed her pencil and attempted one of the problems. Nothing. Why was math so difficult? Turning to look at Aone, she pouted. Aone wasn't paying attention to Itose at all. Her head was staring deeply into the math book, it looked as if she was going to eat it. Her pencil moving quickly, a look of triumph covering her face after completing her work.

"Show off" Itose mumbled as she looked back at her work. She was still on the first question.

Meanwhile, in another classroom a year below, Ryoka and Kanae were partners for a science project. Neither girl were particularly smart but they knew they had to get over it. Checking their work, they stared at each other in confusion.

"I have no idea what I'm doing" Ryoka whispered

"Me neither... the teacher gave us all this equipment and I still don't know what to do with it..." Kanae mumbled

"Well, we're supposed to do the experiment in our book and then write down our process into our notebooks... but I don't know where to start..."


Ryoka quickly grabbed one of the test tubes and pretended to be deep in work as their teacher passed by. Once passing, Ryoka sighed and giggled to herself.

"That was close" Both girls laughing, they began to watch the other students for help.

"Oh... that's what the bunsen burner is for..."

Finally saved by the school bell that marked the end of class, Itose and Aone hurriedly ran down to Ryoka and Kanae's class. All gathered together, Itose grinned.

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