Help from the Unlikely

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Into the eerie darkness of MonoChro's lair were the TriTriplets. The others were not around so they were left alone. Nothing seemed to be going their way, they thought. They wanted to impress darkness, show him they weren't just mere children simply following instruction. No, they were powerful, strong and they wanted to prove it. How? When all anyone saw, was a child.

Maybe that's why, they thought. They weren't worth it. Nobody saw the efforts they put in, all because of their small stature. Tora knew she was strong, she could feel it. She was strong minded and wanted everyone to know that she lead the three. She wanted to tell everyone, she was the strongest. She wasn't going to make the others drag her down. Ian stated his opinions but he was quiet. Though despite his hidden personality, he was strong willed and brave. Guru, she'd willingly follow anybody who asks her to follow them. She listens and is great at it. So, why have all these characteristic but only be brought down for being little.

"I'm sick and tired of this!" Tora exclaimed sitting up from her seat. Her two siblings looked at her in shock as she leaped up. "We're not getting anywhere! Where did those three grown ups go anyway!?"

"Out" Ian said in his small monotone voice.

"No kidding" she rolled her eyes.

"I am fed up! Why can't we defeat them? They're useless, they don't know how to fight, they don't even know their purpose so why can we not defeat them?!" She stomped the floor filling the large cave with echoes.

"So, what's our purpose?" Guru asked quietly.

They both turned to her in shock. She had always copied what they said but lately, she seemed to have a mind of her own.

"Our purpose?" Tora asked her with an eyebrow raised "What are you blubbering about?"

"You just said, they don't even know their purpose... But do we?"

Ian turned to look at Tora "I mean, she has a point"

"Shut up!" Tora snarled as she sat back down to think. Purpose? What purpose? "Isn't it to capture Bow so he doesn't find whatever that magical object will do"

"So, what will it do?"

"Why are you asking such silly questions Guru, since when did you have a mind of your own?" Tora remarked

"Are you going to answer it?"


"What will the magical object do"

"Defeat us obviously, it's there to remove the darkness, us. Obviously" Tora sank into her seat

"So, is that our purpose?"

"Why do you keep rambling on about our purpose, what on earth is that supposed to mean?" Tora mimicked

"Is our purpose to defeat the PreCure before they find this object and defeat us, or is our purpose... Something else?"

"Defeat them first, be quiet will you. I prefer when you act like a parrot"

Ian watched his two sisters bicker. Guru had a point he never thought about "Tora, let's listen to her"

"Why?!" she said disgustingly

"Because we never do"

"Let's find our purpose, together" Guru said with a smile on her face

"Ew, why are you smiling?"

"Can I not?"

"What? No, that's just sappy"

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