A Friend That Brings Out Life!

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"You say it!" a black haired girl pushed her brother forward

"Yes! Ian, you say it!" her white haired sister nodded in agreement

Their brother sighed and entered the room. Inside were three older MonoChro members, two of which were bickering with each other. Seihou, a man dressed similarly to a ninja looked at the three that walked in and nudged the others to stop.

"Anything?" the lady hissed

"No ma'am." Ian bit his lip, Guru looked the other direction and Tora stared at the ground.

"That's alright" she said calmly causing the three to look at her in shock "is that what you wanted me to say? Hm?" she glared at the three

"We do have news!" Tora said quickly

"Then tell me! What are you standing there idling around for!"

"We found the fairy sent by Pact's Country to search for their treasure object but..." She looked around at the other two "Ian, you say it!"

"Yes, Ian, you say it!" Guru said excitedly

"A Pretty Cure by the name of Cure Corde appeared" he said in his quiet voice


The other two in the room turned to look at them and then back at each other. A small stout man rushed over pushing the lady "Move Maruko!" he yelled as he tightly squeezed Ian's small shoulders "A pretty cure you say?"

He gulped "Yes sir, if we were not mistaken"

"Fascinating" Rokkaku said with a large smirk spreading across his face "very fascinating indeed"

"What's fascinating?" Tora wondered

"Well my dear child" he placed his large hands over her shoulder and met her eye to eye. His covered face glistened as his eyes looked directly into hers "A ..."


"A Pretty Cure..." Itose mumbled as she swung her bag around her causing Bow to get very dizzy inside

"I-to-se! ~bo" his muffled yell caused her to stop and briefly look around to see if anybody else heard it


"Shaking.... too... much... ~bo"

"Oh, my bad"

She looked up to walk into the school gate but almost collided with the fence when a girl with green hair brushed by her. Her uniform had creases and her hair had a cute bow in it. Her steps were heavy but light. It seemed that she just chose to ignore every other being around her as she walked through the school gates.

"Bleugh! I almost kissed that thing!" she said with utter disgust but decided to shrug it off and proceeded to walk in. A random student patted her on the back just as she made her way into the school building.

"Do you not know who that is?"

"Who is who?"

"That girl with the green hair"

"Oh yeah, sure. What of her?"

"She's new here. Her name is Ryoka Morinaka and apparently according to other students, she's a country bumpkin" she whispered as she took off her shoes to put on her school shoes

"A country pumpkin?"

"Bumpkin Itose! Bumpkin!"

"Oh!" Itose held her two pairs of shoes in both hands and proceeded to put her ordinary shoes on the ground and put the school shoes back into the locker "Bumpkin!" She paused and looked around as people walked by her "what's a bumpkin...?" she muttered to herself. She put the shoes back on and looked down and laughed "I'm an idiot" taking them off and doing the whole process all over again.

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