Found a Friend in You

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After the mini escapade to Pact's Country, the girls came back home to Nanamigaoka with new knowledge and insight of being a Pretty Cure there. They were still confused and a little baffled as to why such great and legendary warriors, were shunned in a place that needed the help. Thinking about it, they realised how hard it must have been for Shia. It seemed like she had been a Pretty Cure for a while as her kingdom knew about it. They now understood why Bow refused to talk about Pretty Cure's too and claim he didn't know anything about them. Needing to get a fresh mind, the girls decided that a sleepover would suffice. After all, there was a new member and they wanted to know more about her.

At this time, Shia had moved in with Aone and her aunt despite Itose's argument saying Shia was fine there. Aone however, explained that it would be better for Shia to stay with her where there wasn't that many people living there. After what had seemed to be a pointless argument to Shia since she didn't particularly care, they agreed Aone's house would be best. However, the next debate led to where the sleepover would be held.

Ryoka and Aone claimed that their house was too small for all of them to stay in and Itose retaliated with the sleepover was at her house last time. Shia didn't really have a say so all that was left was Kanae who stared at them all nervously.

"What?" Kanae mumbled

"Your house," Itose said with a stupid grin "it's the only one available."

"Um... but my parents?"

"Just ask them" Ryoka patted Kanae on the back

"Well... I could ask but it would take a lot of persuasion..."

Going home, Kanae stood still her doorsteps wondering if she should walk in or not. Thoughts running through her brain, anxious if her parents would reject the idea. Taking deep breaths, she realised there wasn't any reason to be scared. After all, her parents would probably much prefer if the sleepover was there and not in someone else's house. Finally getting the courage, she stepped in. The smell of food wafting through the house and echoes of chatter filling her ears. Oh great, she thought, dad's home.

Her mother was in her usual fancy business attire, her dad appeared to still be in his doctor coat and her sisters were chilling in regular home wear. Walking towards, they greeted her with a simple nod before dismissing her altogether.

"Father?" Kanae turned to her dad who looked down at her


"I was just wondering if my friends can come over for a sleepover...?"

Kei scoffed "friends? What friends?"

"Rude." Chiemi nudged her sister quiet before smiling at Kanae who was fidgeting with her fingers "I'd like to meet them! Right mother? Father? Kanae is always talking about her friends, we should meet them and there's no better opportunity than now, right?"

Haruto pondered on the thought before putting down his newspaper "Sure, why not."

Kanae's eyes brightened up, her tense body finally loosening up "Really!? Thank you!"

"When?" Aika questioned



Running out of the room, the rest of the family looked at each other in an amused manner as they heard Kanae cheer loudly up in her room. Quickly messaging her friends about the news, Kanae couldn't wait until they arrived the next day. Unable to sleep that night, she tossed and turned until her tiredness got the better of her. The next day, Kanae was a nervous wreck. Her family were home that day too and not only that, but Himeko Tanaka was coming over to discuss Kanae's internship with the family. It was nearly 3pm and she could see Himeko's car pull up in the driveway. Fidgety yet excited, she greeted her with a huge grin as she entered.

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