Regal Mode! Blue is for Shelter

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Stretching, Aone bent down to reach her feet as sweat trickled down her face. Pointing her toes, she reached her arms out in front of her as she lowered her head down to her knees. She had just finished Judo practice and was stretching. Sighing to herself, she lay down on the floor and watched the ceiling. Seeming as if it was getting further and further away from her. Maybe that's what it felt like? Maybe that's what it feels like to feel satisfied and get something done, only for it to suddenly go down hill and all you can do is watch the mountain get higher and higher while you wait at the bottom.

Since becoming a Pretty Cure, she finally felt like she could be her true self. Not in the sense that she suddenly has magic powers that heighten her abilities, but because there are others around her that are just like her. The sense of accomplishment when defeating a Hageruze only to realise that the big guy was still out there. What exactly did Cure Prism want them to do? Just a little less than a year ago, the only thing she focused on was grades and exercise. Now, she has to save the world from chaos and darkness that could potentially be her fault if she fails. She just wished she could go back in time, back to when life was easier. Back when she was the one being protected and not the one protecting.

"Rukawa? The other students have already headed out!"

"Oh." Sitting up, she looked around. It was empty.

"If you're gonna stay a little later, don't forget to lock up after yourself!"

"Yeah..." Aone nodded as she watched her teacher walk away

Sighing to herself, Aone continued to linger on the cold floor. Outside, she could hear the strong winds blowing as her thoughts wandered away freely. Hearing her teacher slam the door shut, she was finally left alone. Was that what she wanted? To just be left alone in her thoughts for once. Sitting up, she looked around the room. This was her normal view. This is what she saw every day but what would happen if the darkness took over? The light beaming through the window would no longer exist. Getting up, she wandered out to get changed. Only the sound of her rustling around, blended in with the sound of her breath could be heard. After getting a shower and getting ready to leave, she made sure to lock the door behind her as she left.

Entering her house, she noticed Shia and her aunt were home. Slipping her shoes off, she walked in to see her aunt smashing the keyboard with her vigorous typing. Aone laughed to herself, her aunt was really determined in finishing that book.



"There's leftovers in the fridge if you want to eat something."

"Oh okay, thanks."

"We already ate about an hour ago, sorry" her aunt stopped typing and turned to Aone who was taking the container out of the fridge

"No it's okay"

After a moments silence, Megumi stood up and helped Aone with the food. It wasn't an awkward silence but rather, they had nothing to say. They were comfortable being with each other.

"How was training?"

"The same as usual..." Aone picked up the plate out of the microwave

"I see..." Megumi sighed "you've been working hard recently and I couldn't help but notice that you seem... different?"

"Different? In what way?"

"Mmm... you just seemed tired recently? Like your thoughts are wandering all over the place"

"Ah" Aone looked at her food, even her Aunt noticed something was up "just a lot happening... I'll be fine."

"Of course you will be" Megumi patted Aone's back "well, I'll stop bothering you."

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