Pinky Promise? For We are Nothing Without You

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Was this the end? They thought. Even their pupils had lost its life and color. Were they destined to fail? They could no longer move, their bodies too weak to even support them. Only Seihou's laugh filled the air, accompanied with the roar of the monsters. No longer able to even lift their head up, they stared down at the ground. Was it even the ground? They could no longer see. The future was dark and uncertain. The Pixhites were unconscious and unable to support the light any longer. And it was their fault.

Corde lifted her head slowly, finally able to see her friends still held tightly by the monsters. At this rate, they too would lose consciousness. She had to fight but how? In her hand, she held her fan tightly. Closing her eyes, tears slowly falling down. She wanted to stop, she really did but she couldn't help it. She was the leader, the one who was supposed to guide and support them. But they failed. She failed to keep her promise to Bow.

As the tears continued to fall, footsteps got closer. Closer and closer until she felt someone embrace her tight. Maybe it was a dream, maybe it was just her imagination. That was until a streak of red caught her attention. Rubbing her eyes, a red string surrounding her. Looking up, she found Hiroshi smiling at her. How can he smile at a time like this?


"Hi... Hiroshi?" She looked down. She couldn't face him. The embarrassment of failure. Yet, he never left her side.

"You got this." He smiled, squeezing her hand right "I believe in you."

"How can you believe in me when even I don't believe in me?"

"Because the Itose I know, always stands back up again. When she makes a mistake she hurries to make it right. She never brings herself down and always finds the positivity in things."

"But what do we do now?"

"What are you?"


"Here. Right now. What are you?"

"I'm... I'm a Pretty Cure..." she hesitated to say

"Exactly. You're Prism Arc PreCure. You are the very thing Cure Prism was waiting for. You are Cure Prism but also Cure Corde. You're the light. Those Pixhites may have controlled it but who do you think gave them that power in the first place?"

She sighed. He was right after all but what could she do at this point. Seihou has won.

"Your friends are in pain."

Her eyes raising, she watched her friends wincing in agony. Struggling with their every being to set themselves free.

"Seihou hasn't won just yet. Show him that Cure Corde doesn't lose that easily. Remind him that the world is dyed with an arched promise. And that promise is to make sure that no tragedy like this will ever come to harm others again."

Finally, the corners of her lips turned up. Why was Hiroshi so good at this? Their eyes meeting, it was almost like a brilliant flash before them. Like her world had just lit up once again. With a determined look on her face, Corde slowly stood. She didn't care her knees were about to cave in, she didn't care her head was banging like crazy, she didn't care that she was barely holding onto her fan. All she cared about was this hand clutched in hers, the friends she adored, her family waiting for her back home and the mother who's memories were wrapped around her neck. The light in her prism heart won't be easily dimmed.

Noticing her stand, Seihou raised a brow. What was she up to.

"Hey!" She yelled


"You think you won, huh?" She grinned "sorry to burst your bubble but the Pixhites were not your aim."

The rest of the girls stared at Corde who had a sudden boost of energy.

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