Mini Adventure! A Search for Treasure

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Crashing into the kitchen, Itose scavenged the entire fridge searching for food. Hand picking each item out and onto the floor, the red headed girl had no care about her surroundings. A bag was placed at her front, wide open, ready to collect any food she found edible and worthy of bringing. Dropping in some fruits, juice boxes, some left overs from last nights dinner and other random treats she discovered, her father could only watch in horror at his youngest child completely destroy the fridge.

"Itose! What on earth?" He wailed "What is all this about? So much noise and it's not even 9 in the morning!"

"I'm going out with some friends today and thought I'd bring a couple of snacks"

"A couple of snacks?! Child, you raided the entire fridge! Where are you even going that you need this much food?!"

"Oh here and there, no plan exactly."

"Wha- What"

"Don't worry though, I'll be back for dinner"

"With the amount of food you're carrying, you'd have enough for dinner."

"Hah, dad you worry too much! Don't worry about it! Anyways, gotta go now! My friends are waiting at the train station!"

"The train station?! Seriously, where are you going?"

"Dunno I said! We'll probably just guess or something" Itose shrugged her shoulders as she walked to the door to put her shoes on

"G-guess?! My goodness! What on earth am I going to do with you?"

"He he! Well see ya later!"

With that, Itose was out the door speeding down the stairs. Through the shop, she raced outside and hurried to the train station. There, she smiled at the discovery of two familiar figures. One being with short green haired girl and the other long blue haired.

"Whew! Made it" Itose cheered to herself "nearly missed the promised time"

"By a minute." Aone said, matter of factly

"Still made it though" Itose laughed "I see you've met each other already"

"Yeah" Aone nodded

"Coolio, well come on then! We gotta plan where to go!"

The three friends made their way to the platform and stood at the machines ready to buy their ticket. Standing in bewilderment for a couple of minutes, Itose stared at the map carefully.

"Hey Bow" she whispered "where do you think it'll be?"

"Uh..." Bow popped his head out of her bag and stared at the map, trying to find a place that seemed interesting "oh that ~bo"

The three peered at what he pointed at and nodded. On the train it would only take at least 45-50 minutes to get there where by car it would take nearly 2 hours. All agreeing it was a good place to start off, they proceeded.

"Alrighty! Off we go then!"

Purchasing their tickets, they stood waiting for the train to arrive. As they waited, the girls surprisingly got along really well. Ryoka was surprised that Itose could befriend somebody that easily when she herself found it difficult. However, Aone made Ryoka feel more relaxed and the three became quite comfortable in only a short period of time.

At that moment, the loud sounds of trains on the train track began to approach closer and closer. The doors opening, the girls ventured in and took seats away from the crowd. When they knew that nobody was watching, Itose helped Bow out of her bag.

"Let me properly introduce myself! My name is Bow and I'm from Pacts Country! ~bo"

"Ah..." Aone bowed slowly, unsure of what to do

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