Once Upon a Smile

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Waking up to the sounds of birds chirping through the window, the girls slowly began to wake up one by one. Watching over them, Bow stood by the window sill waiting for them to awaken. Rolling around, Aone was the first to wake. Sitting up, her hair all disheveled, she yawned before looking around. Itose was still collapsed in bed, Ryoka was laying there staring into the ceiling and Kanae scratched her eyes as she adjusted to the morning sun.

"Good morning, ladies! ~bo" Bow called out

Aone smiled at him and Ryoka sat up. She was still feeling a little dazed from last night. After talking about the Pretty Cures and Bow's life in Pact's Country, the girls had decided that having midnight snacks and watching movies was a good idea. By the time they had slept, it was nearing 2am and right now it was just a little past 9am.

"Good morning..." Kanae mumbled as she sat up to look at the girls who smiled back at her.

Now, the only one still sleeping was Itose who had completely buried herself under the bed covers. All standing, they packed up their beds and folded them away carefully to the side. Pushing the air mattress on its side to the wall, the girls got changed into their outfits for the day. Bow had left the room with the two pixhites to get some fresh air. As they dressed, Itose sat up in bed and smiled at the girls who smiled in return.

"Morning!" Itose grinned, her voice a little hoarse

"Morning" they replied

The girls were busy brushing their hair and making themselves looking more presentable. Staring into the mirror, Kanae diligently brushed her soft blonde hair into two, before tying them into two ponytails. Brushing out her bangs, she twirled the ends of her hair around her finger, curling them in the process. Ryoka wasn't one to do her hair, so she was satisfied with her shoulder length hair just down and resting on her shoulders. Taking out a yellow hairband, she placed it on top of her hair to finish it all of. Aone on the other hand was busy braiding the front of her hair to the side. Tucking it to the back, she brushed her hair before completing.

Following after them, Itose slid out of bed and made her bed. Grabbing a pink shirt form the closet, she put it on to match with her pink skirt. Brushing her hair out, the girls were surprised to see the actual length of it. It always looked a bob to them but it was because she always had her hair in a bun. Her red hair was a little past her chest but to keep it all out of the way, she braided it back into bun. The girls all finishing up, Itose stared into space and sniffed the air.

"Huh, I smell food" she grinned "come on, I'm sure my dad's preparing breakfast."


Heading off into the living room, they were indeed correct. Itose's dad, Daiki, was busying himself in the kitchen preparing their breakfast.

"Morning dad!" Itose called out "what's for breakfast?"

"Hello girls! All had a good sleep?" He smiled at the girls who just nodded "Well, I'm cooking up some fish, rice and some vegetables. Hope you guys aren't picky"

"No we're not" Ryoka replied

"I'm glad to have some actual food after last nights disaster" Aone shook her head remembering their pitiful omelette

"I'm sure your food wasn't that bad" Daiki laughed

"Should have been there. We had no idea what we were doing" Itose grinned

"But we tried at least" Kanae smiled

"We were joking last night that we need a cook in this group" Itose laughed "or one of learn how to"

All laughing, they settled themselves onto the table as Daiki brought the food out. Placing the fish out, the table was full of food. From the main meal to side dishes of all sorts.

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