Regal Mode! Yellow is for Joy

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The yellow haired girl's eyes remained shut as the morning sun peeked in to say it's daily greeting. It was unusual, the sun. It peeked out whenever it wished, but only the night could silence it but then again, the sun never disappears. It just says hello to another just like her, somewhere else in the world. Her eyes flickered open and she momentarily stared at her room. On that winter day, the sun sparkled on every nook and cranny. Sitting up, she squinted at the time and looked around. It was a Saturday and she needed to head off to the store. It was already half past eight so she knew she was already late. Picking herself up out of the bed she brushed her hair and placed them into it's two usual ponytails.

Taking a deep breath, she launched herself down the steps skipping a few and jumped. It was a large house so the entryway echoed from the sound of her energetic morning jump. Her butler bowed as he greeted her good morning.

"Good morning miss. Heading off?" he said

"Yes! I'll eat breakfast there!" She called out as she grabbed her coat and a scarf.

She skipped along the cold path and made her way to the store. Her family were already at their usual daily tasks so she took it upon herself to simply stroll and take it easy. Walking along she spotted the park she used to always sit at. She stopped and stared.

"What are you doing?" Pabi asked

"The park near my house... I use to stay here a lot when I got lonely" She smiled as she reminisced the times where she'd slowly swing herself as she stared at the ground and get dizzy.

"At least you don't go there anymore for that reason"

"Right, the last time I was there, Itose told me that I looked like a yellow"

"And she was right" Pabi giggled

Walking on she stared at the people around her. For a cold day, people were busy. Lights were up and Christmas was soon coming. The snow had gone already but there were news of it coming back, the weather was a funny thing she thought.

Entering inside the warmth of the shopping mall, she took off her hat and walked to the hair salon. Thankfully, it wasn't busy yet.

"Good morning!" she called out cheerfully

"Kanae! Good morning!" Himeko called to her. She always had a different hairstyle and she admired that she could think of something new everyday. "You are rather cheerful today, you feeling better?"

"Yes, I thought to myself that today wasn't the day to be grouchy" She giggled

"Good good, feeling festive? I put up the lights when I got here"

"I thought something felt a little more magical than usual!" Kanae looked and spun around. The cool lights were dangling from the corners of the room and there was a mini tree in the corner.

"I also bought some adorable red and green aprons that make this place even more festive, you like?" Himeko said as she showed off the new aprons

"They're beautiful!"

"Well, come on, I bought all the staff one, here try it on"

Kanae took the red apron and twirled around the mirror "It looks great!"

"Although you are giving me serious autumn vibes" Himeko laughed

Her morning was busy as she assisted the hairdressers in their work. She wasn't officially able to do someone's hair but she was satisfied enough helping out. Kanae carried around a small notebook and jotted down everything she could. Most of the staff carried small combs or accessories in their apron but she always had the notebook and pen so it was dandy enough for her. She was too busy helping the staff, she didn't realise her phone was ringing in her bag which she left in the staff room. Pabi who was hiding beside it glanced at who was calling, Aone. Unfortunately Pabi couldn't give it to Kanae but Himeko heard it.

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