The Touch of a Flower

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It was a quiet household for the Morinaka family. The curtains were shut but slowly but surely the sun was wishing to peer through. Ryoka tossed around and around on her bed. Nyumi watched in wonder as she moved as though she were having nightmares. Finally, she awoke.

"Good morning Ryoka!" Nyumi said in her calm voice

"Oh, good morning Nyumi" Ryoka rubbed her eyes. She glanced around the room. It looked the exact same as when she had closed her eyes but she felt as if she were in some other dimension.

"You seem to be very confused"

"For the past few days, I have been waking up confused..."

"Would you be able to tell me why?"

Before Ryoka could begin to explain, a gentle knock could be heard from her door. Flustered, Nyumi hid.

"Good morning Ryoka" her mother peered into her room with a smile

"Morning mom"

"Come down and have some breakfast"

Ryoka nodded as her mother closed the door "I'll tell you later Nyumi"

Heading down, her father greeted her at the bottom of the stairs "Morning Ryoka, I'm heading to work now"

"Okay, see you later"

She could hear her mother cooking an omelette for her. Sitting down at the table her mother placed her food in front of her.

"Had good sleep Ryoka?"


"Eat your breakfast and get ready for school, I remember you telling me you have a test this morning"

"Oh right, forgot about that" Ryoka groaned

Quickly eating her food, she dashed out of the kitchen and got ready for school. She didn't like doing her hair much so she simply brushed through it and placed a ribbon on top seeing as her mother preferred it neat. She ran back down almost slipping on the staircase and picked up her bag which she had prepared the night before. Heading to the door, she sat down as she wore her shoes. Not properly since she was going to have to take them off afterwards anyway.

"I'm going!"

"Alright dear! Have a good day at school!"

She closed the door gently behind her and took a deep breath. The air was nicer when they were at the country the previous week but she didn't complain. Strolling along with Nyumi in her bag, she could see the gate in front of her. Thankfully, they lived rather close to the school so she need not to rush. Aone could be seen from a distance as well as Kanae's car which had pulled over at the entrance.

"Good morning Ryoka, Aone" Kanae smiled

"Morning Kanae" they both said in unison

"Itose going to be late again?" Aone looked around

"She most likely is" Ryoka said as she looked around the area, checking to see if Itose was maybe there already

In the distance, they could see another fancy car pull up beside them. Aone smiled "Good morning Asaka"

"Morning girls!"

She looked neat as usual. Ryoka smiled as she greeted her. Nowadays, Asaka hangs around with them a lot. But this meant that they need to be extra careful as to not be caught.

"You smell like lavenders Asaka" Kanae grinned

"Indeed! Like it? I bought it a week ago"

"How many lavender perfumes do you have at this point?" Aone wondered

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