The Legend of Pact's Country

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Pulling on Aroji, Amethyst aimed for the Hageruze but before she could let go, the monster sent a blast of leaves in her direction causing her to fall over. As she was attacked, Amber attempted to attack while he was distracted. But the monster was fast and caught her straight away. Crashing into a wall, Haven groaned as she failed to shield Amber from the attack.

"Hey! Amber! Are you okay!?" Aloe shouted as she dodged a branch from the tree-like Hageruze

"Yes I'm fine! But you watch out!" Amber replied as she stood up from getting knocked down

"Cool!" Aloe said but immediately as she answered, a branch from the Hageruze had managed to attack her and fling her right into the building wall.

As it came crumbling down around her, Haven came charging towards the monster, with her fist shining a bright blue.

"Haven Justice!" Upon impact, the monster fell backwards right onto Corde who was ready with her Akafan.

"Corde Fantasy!"

Falling down, the girls all gathered together as they watched it struggle to stand. Panting and out of the breath, the girls shivered. The weather was getting colder and it was not ideal to be standing out there fighting. Whatever the case, they needed to defeat this monster quickly or they were going to be late for school. Since Cure Prism's words, they couldn't help but notice that the Hageruze's were indeed much stronger than usual. Whatever Seihou had given them, they knew at some point the monsters were going to be able to defeat them. They needed to achieve their final transformation or else...

"Corde!" the girls yelled as she immediately snapped out of her daydream

"Heh huh!?"

"Snap out of it or you're gonna get crushed!" Aloe shouted

"Sorry sorry" she grinned as she jumped out of the way

Atop a building, the girls stood in position with their weapons out. It was now or never. Corde stood in her place behind them all with Amber on the very left followed by Aloe, Haven and finally Amethyst to the far right. With their right hand aimed outwards, Amber's become orange with a gradient of yellow. Aloe's hand started to glow green and Haven's blue. Followed by Amethyst as hers turned purple. As the four aimed, Itose's hand began to glow a red and a hint of pink. Her light splitting into two perfect lines, the red light to the left of Amber and the pink light to the right of Amethyst.

As if they had just grabbed their colors, they brought it close to their hearts, their hands still clenched in a tight fist. All releasing at the same time, they aimed it towards Rokkaku before raising it to the sky.

"PreCure Rainbow Splash!"

As the rainbow crashed down onto the Hageruze to purify it, the girls didn't even stay to watch unless they'd be late for school. Returning back to a regular tree, the girls went back to their civilian forms as they picked up their school bags and raced to the school. The gates were going to close and they definitely didn't want to miss it. The school was a good 10 minutes away and if they sprinted, they could get there in around 9. Not even having a chance to catch their breath, they thankfully made it in. Running to their own classrooms, they slid into their seats right before their teachers walked in to start the class.

Collapsed on her desk, Itose took deep breaths as she finally had time to relax. She didn't even care that she had just bruised her head. At the back the blue haired girl yawned. Aone gently slapped her cheeks trying to wake herself up but failing. Her arms and legs were still weak from the battle. Meanwhile, Shia had her chin resting on the palm of her hand, her eyes struggling to even stay open. Sitting right behind Aone, Asaka raised an eyebrow. What on earth did they do that they were so exhausted?

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