The Opportunity

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Ariana's pov:
  "THANK YOU, NEXT!" My manager Scooter yelled. It made me let out a slight laugh. How about I explain why we're here and he's yelling that?


"Im a month pregnant Ariana. I cant go on tour with you." She told me as we walked to the building. "Congratulations but I completely understand." I said. I was happy for her. But I also was concerned about the tour. I need another dancer. Once in the building we walked over to Scooter. "Hey Ariana. Why the face?" He asked because I had a pout.

"Scooter Im pregnant and I cant go on the tour." She said. "Ohh okay, congratulations though." He said. "Thank you." She said with a smile. "I guess we'll have to hold auditions for a new dancer." He said. "I guess so... we're gonna miss you." I said hugging her. "Ima miss you to. I hope everything goes well on tour." She said giving me a hug back.

*end of flashback*

We've been doing this for hours and no one has been able to prove that they can truly dance. "THANK YOU,NEXT!!" Scooter yelled again.

Y/n's pov:
"Y/n?" A guy said. I stood up. "Yeah?" I questioned. "Your turn." He said with a smile. I nodded and walked into the room. I looked over to the desk and seen Scooter Braun & Ariana Grande. I have to dance in front of her? I became extremely nervous.

Ariana's pov:
As the door opened this beautiful girl walks in. No taller than 5'4, beautiful glowing skin, a beautiful smile and more. "Hello Ms.Y/n, Im Scooter and this is Ariana." Scooter said. I waved to her with a slight smile. "Hello." She said in a soft voice. "Okay we're gonna run a few songs so you can show us if you understand the choreography and can dance." Scooter said. "Okay." She said with a smile. Scooter presses play on the phone and she starts to dance the choreography she learned before hand.

*mins pass*

"Alrighty, we've seen enough." Scooter said. "Thank you, Next!" He yelled. She looked bummed out.."Have a nice day." She said with a small smile then left. "What are you doing?" I asked as she left. "She doesnt have the passion." He said. "Are you kidding? She was hitting every step, had a great rhythm, gave good face, had that sass power and more." I said. He didnt say anything but "NEXT!"

"No more people Scooter." Brian my other dancer said. "She's the best one." I said. "Fine Ari, but if she fucks up. Its on you." He said. "Ima go get her." He said. I smiled and nodded.

Y/n's pov:
I walked out the room and left. I was out of breathe and sweaty as fuck. "HEY!! WAIT!!" Someone was yelling. I turned around and seen Scooter. "Congratulations Y/n. You got the job." He said. "Oh my god, thank you for picking me." I said. "Well thank Ariana, she picked you." He said. She picked me? Really? Wow... "Practice starts next week. My number is on the bottom on this paper please text me when you get home so I can send you the address and time." He said. "Will do. Thanks again." I said with a smile. He smiled then walked back inside.

I looked at the paper then put it away and headed home.

Ariana's pov:
"What did she say?" I asked Scooter. "She thanked me and I said thank Ariana, she picked you. Then I gave her my number so I can send her the address and time." He explained. "Should of gave her my number.." I whispered. "Huh?" He asked. "Nothing... Im ready to go. Its been along day." I said. "Alrighty." He said.

We left the studio and got into the car. We drove all the way back to my house. Once there, I hopped out and walked inside. "Home sweet home." I said. I greeted my pets and walked to my room.

Y/n's pov:
I walked inside my apartment complex. "Hello Y/n." The security guy said. "Wassup Luke." I said grabbing my mail. "You look to be in a good mood." He said. "Yeah, I am. I'll see ya though." I said. "Alrighty." He said. I walked upstairs to my apartment and opened the door. Once inside, I was greeted by my best friend. "Wassup, how did the audition go?" She asked. "It went good. The guy said he'll call me back." I said lying to her. All she knew was that it was a dancing audition. She didnt know who it was for and what position I auditioned for. I would tell her but she would ask a crap load of questions.

I walked into the bedroom and texted Scooter.

Text Convo:
Y/n: Hello, Its Y/n
Scooter: Oh yes! Here's the address & time to be there. *gives her the address & time*
Y/n: Should I bring anything?
Scooter: No; just dress comfortable.
Y/n: Okay!!
Scooter: See ya then
Y/n: Alrighty byee
End of convo


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